I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter Eleven

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  First of all, I've never written romance chapters before xD I mean chapter ten and eleven might be little bit lame i know xD So 'm just trying to make it better in the next a few chapters :) Hope you like them all anyway :D


      "Donburimono?!" I said with exclamation marks around my head, looking at the dish in front of me, it looked good, delicious, but strange, really strange, in fact the whole place was strange, that table on the ground, I was sitting on some kind of a pillow and so was him, my prince charming, around us the decoration was so beautiful, but not a usual type, The Japanese style covered the whole place, even the door, "It's my favorite Asian restaurant, and this is my favorite Asian meal!" He said smiling at my face as I was looking at the dish and playing with the pick sticks as if I was investigating it, " Thank you, Hazza, This place is amaze, I'm really amazed!" I said while smiling at him, a cute smile, " No need to thank me Molly, You know, You're the one who makes it amazing!" He replied trying to be romantic and say beautiful words, " You know, I've always loved Japan and Korea, I wish someday  I'll travel there …" I said then gave the first bite of the food my full attention, and I can not tell you how incredible it was , " Oh, You really love the east of Asia hah?" He asked but my attention was with the amazing taste " OMG this 's totally the best thing I've ever tasted!" I said with my eyes closed like those who act in commercials He had a goofy smile " Glad you liked it!", " So good choice Harry, I'll never forget this night!" I said with a big smile, his eyes sparkled like the sun was directly hitting them " Promise?" he said, I smiled wider " I promise " then" But you gotta swear!" I giggled, he laughed and swore, then we continued chatting during the whole meal, laughing, joking, undoubtedly that night was the best night in my whole life…

  As we finished our meal, we got out and he took me somewhere, He didn't tell me at first where we were going as I said before he was doing his best to be romantic … As we arrived, I saw a garden, he took me to a park! I'm used to be obsessed with nature!  We entered, there was a lake in the middle of the largest green land I've ever seen in my entire life, I saw kids playing together, it wasn't so dark, beside the moon there were so much lamps shaped as plants and trees, He must have been a really good designer who designed all this! Even the lake, there were lights deep at the bottom of it, I was completely lost in the view, the feeling of the fresh air, the smell of the grass, the voice of the kids laughing and playing, "You look so lost, Hah?" He said, I nodded my head, I was staring at a girl she was playing with her friends , " Molly?" He said trying to get me out of the unconsciousness mood " I used to play this game when I was younger …" I said, He looked where my eyes were looking " You mean when you look for hidden kids and chase them before they reach a certain point?" He said, I laughed, I laughed hard " I've heard zillions of names to this game, but that was the weirdest!" , " Ok, Laugh at me because you still don't know anything!", I looked at him, I thought something might annoyed him, " Just to know, I was the best player and I always won!" He said and looked at me in a mean way, I looked at him trying to know what that look mean, as soon as I realized the meaning I ran as fast as I could, he ran after me like a lion chasing a rabbit  " That wasn't what I meant" I screamed, " I didn't know you're so fast!" He screamed,  It was the first time for me to run like that in a very long while, I was laughing hard while running, I could hear his laughs too, the distance between us wasn't very long , it was probably like two meters, I was doing my best to increase it, he was doing his best to decrease it, but non of us succeeded, as we got closer to the lake I started to run around it  what made the distance decrease a little bit then I found him jumping to catch me, I tried to hurry but I couldn't he just caught my waist and fall down making me fall too, I was laughing so hard like a baby whose father making funny faces, he was laughing even harder, he seemed so happy with his victory, I laid on the grass, and started to calm my laughs down and  stare at the stars, he did the same, next to the lake, " You only caught me because you're wearing sneakers but I'm wearing normal shoes!" I said, " That's not an excuse, you was way far from me!", " Naaah! I wasn't I was inches from you! Gotta admit it!" , " Ok, I'll admit it if you admit that I won!" , " I'm never doing that ,you cheated!" I laughed, " So now you're faking the truth!" He said laughing, I wish his laugh lasted forever, " Thank you Molly" He said calmly while staring at the stars, I turned my head right to look at his face, he was still staring "Thank you for appearing in my life ..." He continued as he turned his head left to meet mine, he starred at my eyes , I was just looking at him with no expression " You don't know how much I got better since I met you …" He said as he turned all his body left, nobody ever said that to me before! he leaned his right hand to touch my cheek softly and playing with my hair, His smile got me overwhelmed, I wanted to say so much things but I was astonished, i was bumbling saying " You know, I'm maybe sixteen but, this is the first date in my whole life, and it's just like I imagined and wished .." He laughed " You bumble when you feel shy! "  I giggled then got a serious look " Not true, I bumble when I don't find the right words to express my feelings!"  he had a tiny laugh then got up, he sat on the grass with his head meeting the sky, I followed his steps and did the same thing, I looked up at the sky watching the sparkling stars "It's so incredible, how this so dark sky turns into a so bright one" I said wondering, " Yeah, in some hours it becomes hard to look at it! That's how life goes hah?" He replied, " Life?" I wondered " Yeah, some days are so dark, but then something like the sun comes and lets them shine!" He said, I was in love with his words " That ought to be a quote ,you know?" I said smiling at him, he smiled back at me " Inspired by life!" He said, I smiled wider, as I think I understood what he wanted to say, or I hope he wanted to say what I understood! "Harry?" , " Yeah", " Honestly, do you buy books to teach you how to be romantic with your girlfriend?" I asked, he had wide open eyes and mouth " So Ermmmm what?" , " What? So all what said was from a book?!!" , "  technically Books not just one!" He said, " So the sunrays don't really make my face look like a diamond" , " No, I mean yes , I mean it does make you look like a –" I interrupted him by getting up while saying " And you don't see sparks fly whenever I smile !!, " He got up too " That's a song, Molly, not a book!" He replied with a smile face, I looked at him with eyes like a wolf " So you didn't get much better since you met me? Start running because I'm gonna revenge!" I said, he had a cute horrified look and ran away as soon as I finished my words, I chased him, the distance between us was the same, I couldn't jump like what he did I was too short to do that!! We kept running and laughing and chatting while taking our breaths, suddenly I found him stopping and turning around, I tried to slow down not to be hit by him but I failed, I thought we were gonna crush but as I got closer, in a sudden quick move, I found him catching the back of my head with his right hand, and the other one wrapping my waist to prevent the crush, He smiled and kissed me, that was like a fairytale! another flawless moment [[ This night is sparkling don't you let it go, I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home, I'll spend forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you]]  , He ended it with a beautiful smile got me feeling like I'm a pink flower over  a white cloud in the middle of a blue sky with birds TWEETing around me , "The (I got much better since I met you ) part, wasn't from a book, it was me.." he made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, his words got me astonished and falling for him  [[ This night is flawless, don't you let it go, I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone, I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you, please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you]]

    I had the best night ever, during the way back home,  we were exhausted, I messed my hair, and my clothes, he looked fabulous with his messy brown curly hair, we stopped to drink a smoothie drink I can tell that i don't really love smoothie drinks, but that time, it was different … " Strawberry your favorite" Harry smirked to me and handed me it,  " So your favorite is chocolate?" I asked, " Yeah chocolate, one of the best moments ever is when you taste your favorite flavor" He said, " So Harry, I don't know if I am … if I ought to ask this.. " I said mumbling , " Ask anything Molly!" , " Ermm, How many girls did you date before?" I said that with a nosey smile, he coughed " Does it matter? :D "he replied, i tried to talk " Not really, I was just—" he suddenly said " Only one girl before you " with a smile, I was surprised, that HARRY STYLES' touchable version, has only dated one girl before, he noticed my reaction " You look cute with a surprised face!" He said, is that another book? Whatever, he continued " In fact, I thought our relationship was a fairytale, but it just didn't work out..", " Why didn't it?" , " Ermm you can say, she simply left me .." He answered with a cutting smile, " Oh, Sorry about that, she must be blind right?" I said, He giggled " The blind one was me actually, you know what? After we were done, I felt like all the girls are just players and haters but then" , " But then you met me?" I smirked trying to hold my pride, he laughed " Bingo!" , " But you,,, are my first date ever " I said with a slight smile, then lead my head on his shoulders drinking my drink, I felt his eyes on me, he leaned his head on mine, the laughs and smiles and love looks, didn't leave our faces the whole night...........


When I went back home, I was laughing on my own like a crazy or drunk dude ,I couldn't sleep that night, [[The lingering question kept me up 2 am , who Do you love? I wonder till I'm wide awake, but now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door, I'd open up and you'd say "Hey, It was enchanting to meet you!"]]

I was [[Up All Night]] thinking about him, [[This is me praying that, this was the very first page, not were the story line ends, my thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again ]]

Only thing interrupted my thoughts was my phone ringing "Who could that be? Could this be him? Naaah he must be asleep! Besides it's too late!" I thought, I picked it up, it was a strange number, I didn't use to answer unsaved numbers but I don't know what made me push the answer button " Molly? Molly? It's your number, right?" the caller said, it was a female voice, " Yes, It 's me, who is talking?" I asked " It' me Mrs. Eveleen, I'm sorry to wake you up, but I didn't do what you told me and it was so wrong, I'm sorry, I don't know why they did this, it was bad, Justin is in the hospital, He didn't get hurt so much but I needed to take him and the kids somewhere safe –" I interrupted her" Wait wait! What? What's going on? Calm down and tell me!" , " Is it possible for you to come here? It's better than the phone .." , " Yeah, but how? it's too late!", " yes, right.. Hmmm Okay, I'm coming to you with Justin's car though I'm terrified but –" She was screaming out her lungs, at that moment I found a text message I told her to wait a second and saw the message, it was from Harry " Every time I close my eyes I see your picture, I can't sleep because of you!! xxoo!" That must be from another book !! It's true that he was awake, but I still can't ask him to drive me there, it's too late! It's also true that he's the only savior now but, I can't ask him, but Eve, and I don't know what's with her but I guess it's more important than my shy feeling to ask him about a drive now! Ugh, So enough buts !!" Mrs, Eveleen?" I said , " Yes Molly, Look –" , " It's okay, I'm coming, I found a way.."

As I finished the call with her, I called Harry, As soon as the phone made the first ring I found him picking up " So You weren't asleep?" He said  , " I couldn't, even if I could, I wouldn't" Then I told him what happened, he was surprised and looked so worried! And before I even tell him that she asked me to come, he said "We should go there now!" , " Ah, you think?"," Yeah, i had a sort of feeling, Molly, Dress up quickly, I'm on my way! " , " Harry, be careful while driving!", " Don't worry, I'll be there in a couple of minutes!" Every time I remember that, I feel so lucky! I don't know what would I have done without him around me! 


Ok, that was #11 !! :D Hope you guys liked it and a little bit excited about the next ones :D Ermmm If you liked it, then please vote if you didn't and found something makes it bad please comment explaining :D That will help me so much! :D THANK YOU FOR READING AND Mucho Luf!! xD

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