I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter Five

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            A busy thinking mind, Can never enjoy a happy moment, I could enjoy this dance since the beginning, but I didn't the thoughts were fighting in my brain, I knew he asked me for a reason that I wouldn't like, I need to calm that fight down, so I stopped the chatting between us for a moment, then called him" Zac", " Yeah, Molly" He replied, I  directly asked" Why did you suddenly decide to take me to the prom?", he got a weird look on his face, I form that look when I notice something strange " Why are you asking me this question?" He answered the question with another one, I didn't want to comment about that I preferred to answer the question with a smile" Because I know, I'm not that kind of girl that can make a boy like you impressed from the first look, and I know even if that happened you'd rather go with another popular girl, so answer my question please.." He turned his face right, he maybe was thinking in a reply, then he looked back at me, " I never went out with a girl that I didn't like, and I like you." he said, as I heard these words I felt like dancing on a rainbow with purple, pink, yellow, aqua flowers around us, " Did I impress you from the first time you ever talked to me?" I asked with a weird look, because I never thought this would happen any day," Your eyes' beauty was unbearable, I couldn't help it" He replied calmly, He had no idea that his words' beauty was the unbearable ones, I smiled a light , wide smile, he smiled back, , then we continued the dance, I will not describe it again, I know you're bored of that, but I just loved it…

As we finished my first dance, he suggested a drink, I agreed, so he went to get me one, I stood there alone watching him walking slowly to the drink table, I've noticed his sight, he wasn't looking at the point he wanted to reach, I know he was looking at that girl who wanted to go with Harry, I noticed their eyes contact, I wasn't imagining that because I jealous or something, I know I saw this, and what happened next proved everything, but at that moment I thought of her as his ex so there had to be something like that it's normal, I guessed it..

When he got back we had a sweet drink, strawberry my favorite, we finished it and started to talk and laugh again, I should admit he was really cute, Suddenly I saw Harry Coming towards us with an angry face but slow steps, I didn't know what happened and made his face about to blow up, But Lara knew since she was with him, so let her tell you what happened ...

Lara's P.O.V

      I was in the prom with Harry, Such an amazing night, but for some reason he didn't seem to be as happy as I was, although he hid that sadness, I felt it, it was like he was waiting for a feather to touch him so he can find a reason to get all the sadness inside him out, but I ignored what I felt, maybe it was a wrong feeling, I know most of the time my thoughts are wrong…  while we were having a drink, that same blonde annoying girl came along, just to be annoying, she looked at me then turned to Harry " I thought you were smarter than that! Oh I'm so disappointed I dumped that Zac for a boy that prefers this to me :-/"  She said with a lame face, I was about to throw a bowling ball on her empty weak head but I saw her lips moving, she was saying something that I couldn't hear, I tried to hear it but I couldn't, I just noticed the look on her face, she was looking at Zac who was sitting with Molly, she had a sad look, maybe regret, Whatever it's , she shouldn't do that, I mean to insult me or look at my best friend's boy that way! This time, I was about to hit her with a piano, but she rescued herself by walking away in time… I immediately turned to Harry to tell him that she's annoying and doing this all the time, but I noticed his face expression, he seemed finally to find that feather, and he was about to get his sadness out, in an angry way, he was also staring at Zac," Harry, anything wrong? Are you ok?" I asked with a worrying face, he didn't answer in time, I thought he didn't hear me so I was about to repeat my question but I found him replying in a low angry-boy voice" That idiot is using her, Look at her, she's so stupid to believe him and be happy" ," First whatever happened don't call her stupid and secondly what do you mean with "using her"? is that what that blonde said?" I asked, he turned to me and said " She said he's using Molly, to make his ex jealous!" I screamed "But She's his ex!" but he didn't seem to hear or care about what I said as I saw him rushing towards them looking for a trouble with that jerk, but I immediately caught his arm and said" Don't be hasty, Harry, we don't want troubles, let us figure out a way to fix this whole thing and teach him a lesson without any noise, his friends won't leave us alone do you understand?" he turned to me and said" Look, You don't look for troubles but I do, you're worried of his lads and I'm not, so you stay out of it I'm gonna fix it my way", " But that's what Molly learned and taught me, even if you didn't care about the evilness  of others, never leave the chance for them to use it against you!"  I said, as his face started to calm down, he maybe liked what I said,technically what Molly said,  "So what do you suggest?" He asked, "I have no big suggestions at the moment just stupid ones, but I prefer making him drawn in his thoughts, unknowing what's going on, and lost in the prom!" I answered, by the way, I feel like my words rhymed little bit :D, " And how can we worry him that way?" He asked , But unfortunately this is the end of my P.O.V , Molly told me not to write the next part anyways back to her P.O.V …

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