I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter Six

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    I saw Harry moving towards us with an angry face but slow steps, as he got closer he started to talk to Zac saying" You, why didn't you bring Molly a chocolate drink?!!!" , " Harry!" I said in a low voice that he could hear it, but he ignored me and stared at Zac who immediately answered " I didn't because she told me that her favorite was strawberry!" , " Can't you be romantic? Don't you know that chocolate is much better than strawberry!" He replied," What? This is silly! Since when is that called romance!"," Like forever! How don't you know such a thing! Go and get her a chocolate drink so your night will be perfect and you will not mess up!How don't you know about that!!!" Harry answered with that encouraging look but angry voice, so the boy immediately stood up while saying" Alright man, easy, I can't believe you're the Tweet they want!"  and he walked away towards the drink table, as he turned away, Harry turned to me , caught my hand and said" Come on Molly, Let's go now, hurry!" I was surprised " What? Harry, wait what's going on?" I asked, " Let's go before he comes back!!" He answered! I obeyed him and stood up as Lara appeared behind him and put a piece of paper on Zac's seat, I asked one more time " Guys? What does this paper supposed to mean?" <<I'm Molly's personal soul-guard, Sent to you to warn you Never try to get closer to her with bad intentions again, You'll regret! Now I'm giving her the power to forget all the sad memories she spent with you what means you're removed from her memory!!>> was written on the paper, "What is this silliness, guys? What bad intentions? What is all this?" I said with a silly look, but they both ignored to answer me and pulled me, I obeyed them as I trusted them, I should always trust them, Isn't that true? Anyways they pulled me until we were out in some kind of the backyard of that big "hall" we were in, there Lara started to talk" You know the ex of Zac, don't you?" She said, " You mean that blonde whatever her name is?" I replied" Exactly, see, I was with Harry, when she came and, we knew that, ermm well, Any girl can turn to a super beautiful girl from a nerd just for the most popular kid in the school and that makes this kid so proud in front of anybody especially if this body is his ex ,so,  he thought he could use this ability of one of the , you know, school's nerdy naturally beautiful girls, to.." I interrupted her as I knew what she was aiming for, and said with a lame manner" To use me to make his ex jealous" Then I had a tiny laugh " What was I thinking?!" I said as a tear started to stream down my face, Harry said"  I swear I was gonna give him what he actually deserves but Lara stopped me!" I had another tiny laugh while erasing the tear that poured  " Oh Harry, Please, that's ok I think I should've known since the beginning anyways what's that paper about?" Lara smiled" By now, He must be looking for you, so when he finds you act as if you've never seen him before then leave him alone!" I said in a ridiculous way" I suppose this is one of your silly plans! Do you really think this will make him crazy or something?" She laughed and said " of course not! You know my brain is not that big, I just thought this would be funny …" I interrupted her again" And help me get over my problem with that jerk?" I said with a light smile, she smiled back and hugged me very tight, She is a really good friend, her biggest passion is to be funny even in her P.O.V she was trying to be funny, anyways  Harry was just standing there, he didn't seem to like emotional moments as he interrupted us "Alright, Lara we should go before he comes" She stopped the hug with a wide smile and moved away with Harry, It didn't take so long until I saw Zac entering this place,  I didn't turn to him he only saw me from behind, I pretended to stare at the sky and the stars, faking smiles, he said" Molly, Thank God! I looked for you everywhere!"I turned to him" Really? Who wants me?", " I do!" , "Why do you? Do I know you?" he had that ridiculous look" Molly please, I don't know what game you're playing and that un understood paper but this is not funny, I brought you the chocolate drink, here it's", " Did you ask me for a dance or something in this weird prom?","Molly, Come on, please"," No, you please answer me, I suddenly found myself here and I don't know what brought me here!","Ok, if you want to play, you're my lovely girl and this night is amazing with you"," If so, didn't I tell you that strawberry is my favorite not chocolate?" , " Ugh! You told me and you drank strawberry , but that weird Tweet came and said weirdo stuff and I had no choice I just had to get up and get the chocolate and.." I interrupted him "Wait wait, what? Harry is not a weird and" Then I pretended to remember something " Oh my God! It's Friday! Harry and Lara , The prom, but I'm sure one hundred present that I didn't go to the prom because I had no boyfriend" I said, he seemed to be annoyed and started to show little anger " Molly, Please stop, this is not funny!", " What is not funny? I'm not trying to be funny, I'm trying to remember and you're not helping!" then I took a breath and continued acting " Omg! Was I drunk so I forgot what happened! Omg this can't be true!!" ," Oh, Molly, Come on , why are you doing this?" in that moment Harry and Lara came along " Molly, and Zac hey guys, Having a nice night?" Lara said, Zac turned to her and said" Look what your friend is doing!"  I needed to put the chocolate drink in his pants because of his rude way to talk but unfortunately I'm not like him, Lara turned to me and said" What does he mean, Molly?" I answered " Look, Lara, I don't know him, I don't know what he's talking about, so I beg you help me remembering" She looked at Zac and said " What happened? Did she suddenly become this way?" He made a mad breath voice and said" This is all because of that Tweet" Then he pointed at Harry and continued" He's the one who made me leave her alone!" Harry turned to him with a weird look" What are you talking about? The last time I saw you today was when we greeted at the beginning of the night? I never saw you after that!!" I saw Harry hardly preventing his laughs and so was Lara, but I prevented my laughs easily, the thing that I could hardly prevent was tears, " Harry what are you talking about! Come on man!" Zac begged him to stop, but he didn't " Zac, I can prove it, ask Lara I never left her tonight!" Zac was about to reply but moment by moment the tears are being unbearable and I badly needed to get them out of me so I interrupted him before he starts " Lara, Do I have to remember this weirdo?" I turned to Lara and said, she replied with a smile" You really don't remember anything about him?!", " Do I have to, Lara?" she looked at him scronfully then looked at me and said" I say no and now we should go!" oh look she rhymed again, anyways she took my hand and we were about to move away but there was something last to do, I turned to Zac and took the chocolate drink from him, and spilled it ALL on his blonde straight hair, he was surprised he stood with wide open eyes and a mouth that was bigger than the hippo's opened mouth, I had that sneer look, then turned around with Lara and moved away, but Harry had one more last word to say to him " What have you done to her?!We should take her to the hospital right?" He said to Zac as Zac nodded his head in a yes way but still didn't close his eyes or his mouth, I think people around us didn't hear the conversation but they saw chocolate drops pouring down his cheek and messing his nice suit…

As we got out of that horrible place to the street we stood there for a while, I said" Sorry guys for ruining your night   ermmm I think the best thing for you to do is to go back in there and enjoy the rest of the night " Lara said" Molly, you shouldn't be sorry for anything, besides, everything that happened tonight was the best ever! Especially the last part" I had a tiny laugh but seems like this laugh was enough to let the river of tears stream down my face, I tried to prevent them but I couldn't, I didn't want to ruin their night more, so I turned around and started to run In the street to reach any bus station or taxi, Lara said with a loud voice so I can hear her " Molly, where are you going?" I stopped and turned around to her ,I was far enough so she can't see my tears" I'm so tired guys, I'm going home, you go there and enjoy the rest of night please!" Harry ran to me and Lara followed him, he said "I'm going to drive you home, Molly, my car is right here" Lara continued "Yes, we can't leave you tonight , sweetie" i breathed a lame breath "Guys I don't wanna.." Harry interrupted me " You didn't ruin anything and you will not ruin anything okay? " then Lara took my hand and we moved towards the car, " Then… There's some place, I badly want to visit before I go home…"


Lame, hah? I know maybe xD i just had the idea and thought " Why not writing a silly thing?! It's not that much people reading " hahaha anyways, Hope you guys liked it,And if you did like it, PLEAEE =D VOTE, If you didn't PLEASE comment saying why you didn't because this will help me more than you might ever think :D THANK YOU FOR READING :D <3

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