I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter fifteen

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HEY GUYS! I'm badly sorry again for the delay,i know i lost a lot of readers- who never vote or comment haha- because of this .. but this is something i can do nothing about  i'm really sorry again :) i bet you forgot what happened last chapter xD so you can simply go to it and check it quickly becasue it had a lot of details ,, don't forget          the feed back BTW i edited chapter nine because of Dina's Feedback :)   :*  Thanks For help habibti :D ermm  ... and the new cover photo please tell me what you think about it :D Now Hope you like this one:) 

Like a kid lost his mama in a crowd, looking around hopelessly, I was lost in that office, I helped Harry to stand up, but as soon as he managed to stand I saw him rushing towards the door without saying a word, with pale face, I went after him until we were out of that room then called his name "Harry!" I said as I caught his arm, he turned to me " Why are you following me? You're supposed to go with the officer to finish this thing at the police station." He said, I stared at him with a wondering look, he noticed that I still didn't leave his arm or get back to the office " Look, Molly, There's …. There's an important thing that you should really know " He said, I changed the wondering look to an interested one, he continued " But you gotta finish what you started first, I will meet you when you get back, okay?" I left his arm, put my hands in my pockets and sighed but said no word, I was just staring at him " Have you called your granny back?" he said, he was trying to end that conversation and start a new one, and it worked as I remembered that granny has called this morning and asked where I was, I didn't tell her the truth, I never expected it would end up this way, so I actually should call her " Oh! She's got to be worried by now!" I said, " Okay, I will go to your house and tell her on my way back home, no big deal" , " No, Harry, you don't have to, I will call her, Just go home and have a nap, I bet you're exhausted"," Duh, I'm not exhausted, I'm Harry!" He said teasing me with that stupidly stupid silly joke, if you got it, " You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me!!" I said with a hidden laugh trying to be serious, he smiled and said " Oh Come On! Don't hide your laugh" , " I don't wanna laugh!" , " Yes you do, see, look at you dying to get it out!" he said pointing to my face, as I was hiding the laugh hardly, I couldn't stand it, so I got it out with a sigh, you know when you laugh because he's adorable not funny! he smiled again but sadly this time " I don't want you, ever to hide a laugh.. " i got back to the staring mood " Harry, what's going on, what's all this about?!" I asked, he looked me in the eyes, moved his hand towards my hair, and let his fingers play in my messy hair, " Harry?" I whispered, He got his hands off, took steps backwards still didn't cut the eye contact but then he turned away and left…

As soon as he left, the lawyer with my uncle came to check me, the cop with the customer were with Chris, " Did that guy who rescued Chris leave this fast?!" The lawyer asked, "Did you need him?" I asked, " Of course! He should go with us to the police station he became a big witness!" He said, my uncle replied" It's alright, I know that boy, I can bring him later, but now let him have a break, I know he must be tired by now" , " Tired?!." The lawyer said, my uncle pulled his hands and entered the room again and started talking with him, I wish I could hear that conversation, I felt it was about something that I needed to know, but it took me too long to know it …

 Let me skip the boring part during the rest of that day at the police station, I told the officer everything that happened for sure, it was normal boring routine.

 My uncle, the lawyer and the customer did the same, and when it was Chris' turn he just went in speechlessly with his eyes never leaving the ground,  I didn't know what he said when he went inside the officer's office, I think he said everything, you can't imagine how hopeless he was out there, it seemed like nothing in his life mattered anymore, so the best thing to do was to get rid of it!


       Mrs. Eva's P.O.V

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