I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter ten

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          I remembered what happened the night before, When Harry tried to tell me there was something wrong and I didn't listen, that proves that i have to trust who i love, and this is another reason for me to fall for him! People should trust who they love, i didn't want Mrs. Eve to repeat my mistake so i told her to trust her husband because she loves him no matter what!... That Tweet makes me feel like .. like....He TOTALLY stole it! I thought deeply about going and telling him how I really feel, but not before i make sure that there's nothing between him and Lara after the prom! Ermmmm i spoke too much, so let me just start writing what happened next ...


       I rushed to open the door as I heard the bell ringing, you know, that moment when you do something without a certain reason, you do it just because it makes you feel better, and I felt that his visit to me will make me feel better and it DID! I opened the door to meet the guest I've been waiting for, just to enjoy seeing his face and to relax hearing his voice, he smiled to me as he saw my face while opening the door,God! Why I see sparks fly whenever he smiles! I smiled back " Hi! How are you? " he said, with a hidden worry voice, of course because I called him and said that there's something really important and he should come immediately, I needed to tell him what happened with Mrs. Evelen, " I'm alive!" I said with a tiny laugh, " You?" I continued as I freed a space for him to come in the house, he laughed "I'm like always, Molly, nothing is up!" I smiled and headed to the stairs to go to my room, he followed me, I suddenly found him saying " Hello, granny, how are you feeling today?!" I turned around and saw him waving to her, she was standing in the kitchen which was next to the stairs, and that was something I didn't expect, she answered "I'm feeling so great today, son" , I said in a quite angry manner " Oh! Granny, What are you doing!" , she looked at me with a sweet smile " Cooking this so late lunch sweet heart", " Oh, Granny! You shouldn't have left your room, this is not good!", " And it's not good either to starve honey!" , I took a breath, then moved towards her saying " Come on granny let's go back up there again please", she moved her fingers through my hair " This is not exhausting believe me  " , I looked at her then said " Ok let us help you", Harry supported me " Yes, I've always wanted to live an experiment like cooking!" I looked at him in a weird look" Experiment!" i whispered with a ridiculous smile, he looked at me and shock his shoulders, My granny laughed " Oh, kids! Just go and do what you were going to do." She smiled a with a wide open mouth, I was about to argue with here again, I didn't want her to get hurt due to all this hot air in the kitchen and the standing to make food etc It was almost sunset i guess but i wasn't that hungry, i was busy thinking.... but she stopped my tongue before i say a word saying " Look, Molly, I want to cook and that's what I'm gonna do, now you'd better go and do what I told you yesterday!" she said then Winked to me, " Ok, then I'll help her doing what you told her yesterday." Harry said to granny then turned to me, " What did she tell you yesterday? ..'' I looked at her then giggled hard, I was like, really, ok help me and become my man! He looked "I'm wondering what's so funny!" he said then started to smile and laugh at my laughs! I stopped and said to granny " I know I can't stand you, so if you felt or needed anything just say MOLLY and I'll be there in time, and I mean it when I say anything " , she nodded her head and pointed to the stairs with her hands to me to go up, I obeyed her and Harry followed me, he kept asking me all the way up " What was so funny?! What are we gonna do?!" and I just kept ignoring, i'm not going to do what she said and i'm not going tell him so he had to shut up!, as we entered the room he looked around, checking it out " Wow, your room is really amazing, it totally proves that it's owner is a wonderful person!" he said while checking it, I smiled " If you mean the decoration, then it was chosen by mom, I helped her a little bit but I was so young then, Ermm thank You for the a compliment " I said, the room wasn't too fancy, I just tried to make it a princess' room as possible as I could, because as I said before, it's any girl's passion, it's true that in a certain period of time I got bored of it and thought about changing it, but then I remembered that white door, and the closet which was opposite the bed, and that window not too big or too small, all these stuff where my mum's choice so how possibly can I ever have the strength to change it! I stared at the purple wall with my shelves which held my books safely, I mean my favorite reads as I keep my school books on my desk next to the window,  " No, really, it's not an a compliment I'm honest" Harry said, I smiled and sat down on a couch under the window, I sat on the left side of it leaving for Harry a big space to sit in, he came and sat down, " Ok, Let me tell you what happened during this morning and the last night ….

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