I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter Two

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    " Hey! I'm tweet, but people call me Harry, That's probably because I look like Harry Styles" Said the naturally pink lips of the naturally hot new student calmly, then the teacher asked him to choose a seat, there were two seats one in the back and the other one in the middle, he chose the one in the back without taking a moment to think he just moved towards it even before the teacher finishes his words, I should admit that my first impression I got was that he's arrogant ,he thinks that he's cool and can have whatever he wants.  But then when it was the lunch time I kinda changed my thoughts about him .. Let me tell you what happened then …


 Now it's lunch time , I used to eat with Lara but she didn’t come to school today she said that she might come tomorrow anyways I had to sit alone , as soon as I sat I saw that "tweet" coming in with a crowd of girls winking and pointing at their seats so he might obey them and sit next to any of them, but he didn't he just ignored them all , he just kept looking in the room for something, I think he was looking for an empty table but he didn't seem to find one, so he moved to my table – clearly it was the emptiest one in the whole place- he said calmly in a shy way" Can I take this chair, please?" I was surprised , I thought he was gonna say "can I sit next to you, please?" then I'd reply " No, sorry, it's taken" but that changed everything , so I said" Where are you going to take it?" ," Oh, are you keeping it for someone?" he said," No, I'm not ,I was just wondering why don't you sit here, it's better than taking it and sitting somewhere without a table" I said with a wondering look,   "Oh, I had to know that nerdy girls are girls just like the others!"  he replied in a bored manner , " oh my God he's rude!" I said to myself as soon as I heard his words but why did he say that? I mean I must be the nerd he was talking about. Does he think that I want him like the other girls? If he does, then he must be the stupid version of Harry Styles , but I quickly said to him defending myself in a little bit angry way " I'm sorry , I didn't mean what you understood, You can take the seat and go away, I was just trying to help a new student" When he heard these words, I think he felt sorry or something because he immediately said" Did what I said make you mad?" I answered while starring at my food and playing the fork in it " Why do you even care? Just take the chair and go away!" He ignored the last part and said" Is there suppose to be any reason to care about a person?" I looked at him , smiled and said" No, That's why I wanted to help you, because you are a person, no more ! " –" So it annoyed you?"-"Yes, I never wanted to be like them I mean.. .." Then I looked at the girls on the other tables who were just starring at us and I continued" Oh, that's why you prefer eating alone" He looked at them and said" No, this is not really the reason"  then he smiled to me" I'm sorry" He said, this is really rare to find some cool boy that says "Sorry!" I was astonished and I just said" Apologies accepted J"Then he sat down on the chair and put his food on the table. A moment of silence passed, then I said" You don't really like people ,do you?"-" You want me to be honest? Not really .." He said , I stared at him and said" That's weird! I mean your name is tweet and twitter loves people.. you don't seem to have anything in common with your name, do you?" He laughed and said" Do I have to be like twitter just because my name is tweet?" I giggled" I don't know." He said " Then I'm suppose to know celebrities and let them communicate through me?" I laughed and said" Ok, You're not like twitter.." He assured " No, not like it at all.." –" Then why?.. Why tweet?" I asked, he took a breath and said" It's a long short silly story .." I smiled" Excuse me?" he continued " That's because my parents met through twitter , He tweeted for her and she tweeted then they fell in love , got married and had babies but unfortunately  they wanted their love story to remain and to be told like what I'm doing now, so they called their baby "tweet" referring to the first button they pressed that made them together forever" I giggled and said" How many times did you have to tell this story?" he smiled" You won't believe if I told ya" he starred at me and continued "you find it funny hah?" I said" I can say nothing but yes " he smiled AGAIN-He seemed to be in love with his smile .. well he had to be-"I know, it's kinda silly" he said, "No it's so romantic and funny!" I replied" Oh, Come on!" he said trying to make me change what I said but I just laughed one more time, then he said" It's so embarrassing." I said in a kind of stubbornness way " No. it's romantic! :D" He said" You may think it's romantic but I say it's embarrassing, you know that feeling when your parents do something to you that makes you wanna start your whole life all over again!" I giggled then starred at my food playing with the fork again" Did anything I say annoy you again?" He asked, he probably knew what I do when I'm upset just stare at things and travel through my brain thinking about all the thoughts In my head, "Believe it or not, I wish I could be embarrassed by my parents someday.." He wondered " They never embarrassed you?" I looked at him and said cheerfully " Sometimes I look at the pictures when I was young , I look at the clothes I was wearing and think" This is so ugly why did I wear these things?"" I laughed and continued" But I was happy then…I wasn't embarrassed by these clothes , they just made me wear them because they wanted me to be happy and I was ,but then when I grew up, they never had the chance to do something or to force me to do something embarrassing ." I took a breath, starred at my food again then continued " If being embarrassed was the only way to feel them around me, I would embarrass myself every single minute." I said as a tear started pouring down my cheek, he was staring at me with a sad look, then he said" I'm sorry, omg I'm so stupidly sorry, I  didn't know ,I .." I interrupted him" It's ok, It's not your fault that I couldn't stop crying for two years.." He said in a really sad manner "oh, I'm really sorry to hear that.. I .. Ermmm " he bumbled a little , I realized he wanted to ask what happened, but he didn't want to annoy me, so I erased my tears and said cheerfully " You wonder what happened?" he looked at me and said" No, it's not the right time to ask about something like this .." " It's ok, I'm ok, I was just trying to get my feelings out of me as it became unbearable , but I think talking will be a good way to feel better, they all say that , right?" I said, he replied cheerfully too" Yeah sure, so what happened?" I said while looking at my food for moments then looking at him " Two years ago, I was fourteen, dad was driving and mum was beside him, suddenly they found themselves in the hospital , the doctors said that daddy was dead and mum was laying on the bed unconsciously, she never rose again, the doctors said then she will be fine within couple days but .." then I had that sad smile" They lied " as I finished, I found his eyes were going red, Could my words possibly affect him that way?, a moment passed then he cough and said" that's the saddest story I've ever heard , you must be so strong to live your life like this and become successful at school that way ,ermm" –"Yeah thank you, but I wouldn't have reached this without the support of my best friend and the encouraging of my granny." I said" you're living with your granny?"-"Yes, I am"-"Is she working?"-" No, she's old, can't work…" –"Then how do you get money? Did your parents leave you that much money?"-"Yeah, they left me that much money but I never used it …" I took a breath and continued" Both of my parents were working in a big company, that's actually how they met, my dad was so successful, he was promoted year by year until he became the manager, when he had enough money he made his own firm,  he became even more successful, but then when the accident happened , this firm became mine… I'm so stupid that when my father's brother who fought with him a lot because he was so greedy and wanted more profits to be his, when the accident happened he came to me seemed uncaring about what happened and told me that I will not be able to take care of the whole company and that I have to appoint a person to be the manager, he said that I have to choose a trusted person who's not gonna trick or steal anything from me… I knew he meant to say" choose me choose me" in that particular minute I thought to myself that everything was over, he always wanted the firm so let him have it, so I appointed him as the manager… I should admit that I regretted a lot for that decision, I had to know how much greedy he was , he doesn't give us what we need he just keeps saying that I'm still too young to control myself and use money for useful reasons and so on … so I had to work .. I work now in a bookshop …" –"That means he did it…"-"what? Who did what?"-" Your uncle, I think he caused the accident" –" haah? Why are you saying that?" –" Because , in all the movies I've watched before, in situations like this, your uncle is the evil killer in  the end.. Right?" I laughed and said" Yeah sure .. Look, He's greedy, bad, unfaithful, annoying, pathetic anything but a killer…"-"Ok, I warned you, don't come back crying" I laughed again" Haha yeah thank you.." I said… in that moment we heard a girl coming she turned to Harry or Tweet and said in that girly annoyiiiiiiiiiiing way" Hey, you new student, I was wondering if you're going to dance alone on Friday?" "Friday? Dance?" he wondered, she immediately replied" Yeah, you apple pie, haven't you heard about the school ball?" she said then smiled a wild smile to show that she brushed her teeth this morning, then said" Anyways, I want you to know that I'm available" Then she turned to me and said" Hey, Molly" turned around and walked slowly to her girls, as soon as she turned around he turned to me and said" So, Molly???" I said cheerfully " Yeah, problem?" – " No no it's just Harry Styles' cat, right?" –" Yeah ,true!"-" So your name is the name of a cat" - "So what?" I said laughing and so did he, then I said" Ok, my real name is Michelle, Molly is my nickname" –" Michelle is better!"-"ok, Tweet is better than Harry!"-"No, it's not!"-"Yes, it's and if you kept doing this I'm gonna call you Tweet forever" he laughed and said" Ok, Molly is beautiful" –"Good boy J" as soon as I finished the word "Boy" the bell said" Trnnnn Trnnnn" so it was time for the next class .. He said" Ok, it was nice to meet you, Molly " ," It was nice to meet you too, Harry " I said" Can I say that you're my first friend in this school?" he answered cheerfully" Only if you want to " I answered in a friendly manner, he smiled to me, turned around and left the room, my stomach screamed, though I ate nothing , or maybe it screamed for another reason? Naaaah It has been screaming for a particular person since the last year, it can't scream for two persons, right? Just one person is enough ,,I soon realized I was so hungry that I ate in my way to the class…

_____________________________________________________________________________So,  Thank you for reading, if you liked it please vote if you didn't please comment saying why  that will help my a lot :D Thank you one more time :) <3<3 Mucho luff xD

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