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Name: Rune Olander

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Group: Defenders/Riders of Berk; Dragon Riders

Dragon: Male Titan Woolly Howl, dark grey scales with black paws and a black tail tip, the fur-like scales on his back are silver and his underbelly is pale. The ends of his wings are red, as are the tiger-like markings on his body. His eyes are purple, like all Woolly Howls. His name is Freefall. Rune named him this because of the feeling of invincibility and freedom he gets every time he's riding him.
Class: Strike Class
Fire Type: Hail
Shot Limit: 6
Speed: 9.6
Firepower: 9

Looks: Fair skin, short, messy & spiky brown hair, amber eyes and normal viking clothes

Personality: Cautious and calculated, intelligent and a quiet observer. Fast learner.

Crush: Hiccup

"Worst In Show": Rune picks a green Terrible Terror and trains it to distract and hit hard and fast (the green Terrible Terror throws rocks at Alvin and smacks him so hard his helmet flies off)

— SECONDARY OC/SONA (yes I am aware that this one is highly unoriginal but I still like it; I live vicariously through Signe) —

Name: Signe Alfsen

Name Meaning: "Signe" is a Scandinavian name and a variation of the Old Norse name "Signý"; it means "new victory". "Alfsen" is a Norwegian surname meaning "son of Alf" ("Alf" in turn means "Elf").

Gender: Female

Age: 15 (first movie), 20 (second movie), 21 (third movie)

Residence: Sicrio (currently/formerly), Berk (soon/currently)

Homeland: Sicrio, one of the largest of the small islands dotting the Archipelago

15: Short (about 5'1), slender girl with neutral-fair skin, straight dark brown hair that she wears just below her shoulders, and light hazel eyes that look yellow. Signe wears brown boots with darker brown pants, a long-sleeve pale yellow shirt and a brown coat over the top. Both her pants and her coat hold pockets. Signe has a scar over the bridge of her nose.
20: Fairly taller standing at 5'8 and now she has put on some muscle. Signe's hair is slightly longer and darker, and now she wears it loosely over one side of her shoulder. She now wears black arm bracers, a dark maroon shirt, and black boots with three leather sheaths where she has quick access to knives. Signe's stealth gear/"quipper clothes" as she calls them consist of a Night Fury hood drawn over her head and a dark maroon bandana drawn up to her nose.




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