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My OC for BBC's tv show Merlin (a few years ago, in my head I renamed it "Magic")

Name: Morien

Name Meaning: Old Welsh for "sea-born" or "born in the sea"

Druid/Magic Name: Anochys

Name Meaning: Derived from the Old Welsh word "anorchfygol", which means "invincible" (which mirrors Merlin's magic name "Emrys" meaning "immortal")

Gender: Female

Age: 17-18 at the start (seasons 1 - 3), 20 at the end (seasons 4 and 5)

Special Abilities: An Enchantress born with the gift of magic; Dragonlord

Description: Fair but suntanned skin with just-above-the-shoulder brown hair and grey eyes. Generous sprinkling of brown freckles on her cheeks. Usually dressed in rough-and-ready tomboyish gear complete with ankle-high leather boots and a brown coat open over a light green shirt.

Orientation: Lesbian

Love Interest/Crush: Morgana (gay panics for her so bad, good Lord don't even get me started on the first episode when Morgana's at the celebration)

Residence: Camelot, sharing a room with Merlin in the Court Physician's Chambers (currently); Ealdor (formerly)

Occupation: Stablehand for the kingdom's horses, and works part-time delivering medicines for Gaius's patients. Her unofficial job seems to be keeping Merlin out of trouble however...

Destiny: To keep Morgana from turning evil

Family: Gaius (father figure), Hunith (mother-figure), Merlin (sibling-like relationship), Kilgharrah (connected by magic), all the horses she works with (seriously this woman cannot get enough of them please throw her to the stables forever)

Friends: Bracken (horse), Morgana, Gwen (despite all, Gwen knows about Morien's crush on Morgana and, with Merlin, teases her to hell and back for it), Gwaine, Arthur (reluctantly), Nimueh

Enemies: Nimueh (formerly), Uther, Morgause

Backstory: Set in an AU where Morien arrives in Camelot with Merlin, as the boy's mother sent him there and Morien decided to tag along due to her drive for adventure. Besides, apart from Hunith and Merlin, Morien doesn't have any family or friends – and she didn't want to stay in Ealdor all her life when she knows she was given her gifts for a reason.
Morien's parents were always semi-absent from her life, only teaching her how to cook and grow crop. They never cared for her as she was an accidental pregnancy. Their dislike for her grew when they found out she had magic, and finally they buggered off somewhere when she was thirteen, abandoning her. Hunith, the mother of the only boy Morien had made friends with (and who had met her previously and cared for her), took her in, giving her food, a home and a brother, all of which Morien is eternally thankful for. 

Personality: Morien is always happy when she's exploring, on the back of a horse, reading, or doing things that should otherwise be impossible. Her drive for adventure and freedom means she could travel to the ends of the earth and still be content as long as she's discovering things. Morien adores fantasies, magical creatures and clichés she reads in books. She loves a good riddle, but that quickly changes when she meets Kilgharrah, a creature seemingly incapable of speaking in anything but riddles. Morien isn't particularly easy to charm, but if a person knows the way to her heart, she'll let them in easily. 

Mount: After a few episodes, Morien is thrilled when she learns she will own her own horse. She connects with a 15h tall brown stallion with a brown mane and tail, and she names him Bracken. The two of them become the closest of friends.

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