The Explination

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They sat in an awkward silence for what felt like ages. Darren was trying to find the correct words to tell Olivia to let her know that what he did was the biggest mistake in his life. He wanted her to know he still loved her and would do anything to call her his again. But he couldn't. She was happy. That's all that mattered.

"I'm ready" Olivia said again to let him know she was for real.

"Okay let me start from the beginning." Darren said turning to face Olivia. "We were together ever since my junior year of high school. So a pretty long ass time. She was my first in everything. She was the first girl I ever loved. Yea I loved her, but not nearly as much as I love you. Anyways, we decided to go to the same college so we could be together and that's when everything turned to shit. Like you already know she cheated on me a bunch of times, but I kept forgiving her because I didn't want to feel alone. She would always tell me that it was a drunken mistake and I believed her. And then the day I met you I had walked into her dorm room to surprise her and there she was with the same guy that she was with the week prior, and the week before that. That's when I realized it wasn't just a 'drunken mistake' she was cheating on me and it was for real. Then I met you Liv." Darren started grabbing her hands. She let him hold them for a second before she pulled away so Darren continued.

"I met you and my entire world changed. You gave me reason to continue. You are the reason I am where I am right now. You pushed me and you made sure I accomplished my dreams. I was happy. Happier than I had ever been. Liv those 11 years where the best fucking years of my life. Even in our fights we came out of them stronger and more in love. Then tha-that night" Darren said as his voice broke. "I fucked everything up. I got some pretty terrible news and you where no where to be found so I turned to alcohol and I got trashed. I got so trashed I didn't even know what I was doing. I didn't realize that I had messed everything up. And when I found your ring on the floor, I-I broke Liv. I haven't been happy since. My entire life is a joke now that I don't have you. I fucking tried to end everything Olivia." Darren said before letting go and sobbing.

Olivia sat there taking in everything she just heard. All of it was shocking. She didn't know Darren tried to take his own life. Much less the fact it was her fault. She felt bad. She knew she shouldn't because he cheated on her, but she did. She started to understand that he was wasted and maybe she had overrated. Seeing Darren so vulnerable and broken in front of her begging for forgiveness made her forgive him. She was about to tell him, but then she needed another question answered.

"Why'd you stay with her...why'd you propose to her?" Olivia asked.

"Honestly?" Darren asked and Olivia nodded. "I didn't want to be alone. I was scared that if I was, I would do something I would regret. Like take my own life. The reason I proposed to her was because she stopped me. She talked to me and told me I had so much life left to live and that I would regret it. Liv I need you to know that I didn't know what was happening. I regret every single second. And I need you to know that I will never be as happy with Mia as I was with you." Darren finished not regretting that he just confessed his love.

Olivia stared blankly at Darren. She didn't know how to fell. On one hand she was engaged to Chord, whom she loved very much. Chord was there when Darren wasn't and she loved him. She had never felt such a connection with someone so fast. But on the other hand Darren was the one she had always seen herself ending up with. He knew everything about her and she had to admit she loved him. He made her feel special. He helped her overcome her hatred towards her body. He made her feel beautiful. She went back and forth between both guys and without even thinking she blurted out words.

"I love you to" was all she said before throwing herself at Darren for a hug.

Darren let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and hugged her back. The hug said everything that words couldn't. It said that they needed each other. It said they were meant to be together. It meant that they never stopped loving each other.

Darren pulled Olivia out of his chest and she frowned confused. Darren looked at her in the eyes. Her eyes said a lot. They looked full of love and passion. They stared at each other not knowing what to do next. Darren carefully brought up his arm to brush back a piece of hair behind her ear. Instead of pulling his hand back down, he left it to cup her cheek hesitantly. She looked deep in his eyes and forgot everything. All she wanted in that moment was his lips on hers.

Olivia looked from Darren's eyes to his lips. She saw him lick them and that was the signal for her that they could do this. She brought her arms and wrapped them around his neck then brought their foreheads together. She started leaning in before she stopped and turned around on the couch.

"Liv wha-what happened there, I-I thought you felt the same way." Darren said turning her back around to face her.

"I do, but Dare we can't do that to Chord and Mia. I'd feel terrible." Olivia said feeling bad.

"Look we can deal with that tomorrow when the time comes. Right here right now I know it's you who I want to be with. And I want more than anything to kiss you right now. So, can I" Darren asked as he brought his hand to her chin to lift her head up.

Olivia nodded. Darren brought his head down to her level. "If you want me to stop tell me now" Darren said as he kissed her check, then her other cheek, then her forehead, then her noes. These actions sent shivers down Olivia spine and made her ache for more.

"Oh my gosh Darren just kiss me" Olivia said desperately.

Darren smashed his lips on Olivia. It felt like they had never kissed anyone before. The magic was there. Like their lips we're mean to be together.

Olivia didn't realize when his hands went under her shirt. She didn't realize when her hands went to his pants. She didn't realize when he picked her up to carry her to his bedroom. She didn't realize when their naked body's where together. She didn't realize when he was inside of her. She didn't realize when they we're panting on top of each other. She didn't realize when he was calling out her name in pleasure as she did his. What she did realize was when he pulled out after he came that he wasn't wearing a condom.

[That's the end of 'Our story' Don't worry if there is people actually reading this story I will write a sequel. This was honestly so much fun to write. It took me a little over 3 months and a lot happened. I know it's not the best, but it's one of my firsts. In the meantime I might be releasing a bunch of one-shots that is basically just mini parts during Olivia and Darren's life. Some cute fluff, maybe some angst, maybe smut idk i'm not good at writing it. Anyway I hope you enjoyed please leave a comment if you want a squeal and I will write one, even if just one person wants one. Anyways hope everyone is doing well and is safe -author]

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