The suprise (pt3)

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"Darren I cant believe you went through all this trouble just for me" Olivia said as they walked out of the restaurant hand in hand.

"You deserve it baby."Darren smiled "plus it was just as much for me as it was for you"

"I love you" Olivia said looking at Darren as they walked to his car.

"I love you too" Darren said.

"No" Olivia stopped. "No I mean you don't understand. I love you so much, and you were right that distance did make me love you so much more."

Darren didn't know where all this came from. He felt the exact same way but for some reason he couldn't speak.

"Dare I know we were only apart for a little over a month, but it showed me I can't live with out you" Olivia said tears filling her eyes.

"Liv what are you saying" Darren asked confused.

"Dare I'm saying that I'm ready... I'm ready to move in with you" Olivia said smiling.

"Liv are you serious!" Darren exclaimed picking Olivia up and spinning her in circles.

"Yes...yes I'm more than serious." Olivia said as Darren put her down and kissed her passionately.

"Common let's go to your apartment" Darren winked and pulled Olivia into his car.

Flashback Over

"And that decision right there... the decision that I would move in with Darren was the best and the worst thing for our relationship" Olivia stated.

"Yes" Darren agreed. "Okay so I think we should stop at this and post it and then come back a little later in the day and do the next part. Just in case
people have questions." Darren suggested to Olivia.

"Okay yea that sounds good" she said as she stopped the video. "But we have to tell Chord and Mia to stay somewhere."

"Okay ya" Darren agreed.

Olivias phone buzzed before she could text anyone.

'Hey Liv. Are you okay you've been over there for a while. Can we come back?'

'Hey... we're still making the video... we're taking a break rn. Is there anyway you and Mia can just hang out at the house for the rest of the night.'

'Liv I really don't like the thought of you spending the night with your ex'

'Chord do you trust me'


'Then you have to trust me when I say that nothing is gonna happen'

'Okay I love you'

'Love you too but I gtg'


"Chord said him and Mia can hang out at the apartment. Did you talk to Mia." Olivia asked.

"Yes but she's not thrilled about us spending the night together" Darren said with a small laugh.

"Oh ya of course the one that wrecks my life is scared that I'm gonna wreck hers" Olivia let out a mad laugh.

"Liv you never let me explain" Darren tried to calm her down.

"Explain what. That you were drunk and horny and it meant nothing. Because if that's so then why are you marrying her" Olivia snapped.

"Can we just talk about this later when we have to" Darren suggested. 

"Fine but only because I don't to fight right now." Olivia agreed

"Do you want come coffee... maybe we can watch a movie while we wait" Darren suggested.

"Yes please" Olivia smiled as she made her way into the living to to pic out a movie. "What do you have"

"All I have is the Harry Potter series and the notebook" Darren admitted embarrassed.

"Ahh well I'm not really in the mood for either if I'm being honest" Olivia said staring at the coffee mug in her hand.

"Okay well how about we just talk. Catch up."
Darren suggested.

"Okay... uhh how are you" Olivia asked.

"Uhh I'm good... y-yea totally good" Darren lied.

"Darren I don't want a bullshit answer" Olivia said her full attention now on the man beside her.

"Damnit Olivia. My life sucks. Okay. My life has been a living hell ever since Mia. Ever since I lost you. Liv you were the light in my life and you made me the happiest I'd ever been. A-and when I lost you I" Darren started but got cut off my Olivias lips on his.

He was shocked at first but slowly melted into the kiss, bringing his hand to the back of Olivias face to deepen the kiss. He missed her lips on his so much. He didn't care that this made him a cheater again. All he cared about was Olivia.

Olivia quickly pulled away as she realized what she had done.

"I-I-I I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. It was a mistake. We're engaged to other people. I'm sorry it's just you were saying all those things and-and it made all these feelings come up" Olivia trailed off

"Hey Liv it's okay... we can forget about it. Just pretend it never happened." Darren lied. He knew he couldn't just forget about a kiss like that, but he would do anything to make Olivia happy especially since he had a chance of having her back in his life...even if it was just as friends.

"Ya okay... how about we go answer some of those questions" Olivia blushed and turned around so he couldn't see her. She knew she couldn't just forget about that kiss. She felt something in that kiss. Something she never feels when she kisses Chord, but it was obvious Darren didn't feel the same way and she wasn't about to ruin his happiness with Mia. She just got him back him her life even if it is just as friends. They were both engaged after all.

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