The End...?

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"So this is the end. This part right here is the end of our story." Olivia said.

"Now after we tell the story we will finish the video and open the room for questions one more time then we ask to not be asked about it again." Darren said blankly.


It was closing night for TGWDLM and Darren and Olivia flew back to Michigan to support. The show finished and it went very well. They all added a bit of improv to finish off the show, which was a good touch. It was now the after party at the Lang's . There was at least 100 people there if not more.

Darren and Olivia arrived together, but didn't spend much time together because they were busy catching up with long lost friends.

It was midnight when Olivia started to look for Darren so they could go back to their hotel room because they had an early flight. She looked all over the first floor of the house with no sign of Darren. She even checked the backyard. She started getting worried because she knew Darren had drank quite a bit. She decided to go upstairs and check all of the bedroom to make sure he didn't crash on one of the beds

She opened a door looked around, then frowned because Darren wasn't in there and then she went to another door.  This time the door was slightly open so she opened it more.

What was behind the door broke Olivia's heart. There was Darren naked on top of Mia. She felt so stupid and embarrassed,  but most importantly she felt cheated. Without thinking she took off her engagement ring and threw it on the floor and shut the door.

She ran down the stairs with tears falling from her eyes without seeing Chord behind her. She pushed through crowds of people trying to stop her so she could get outside. She felt suffocated, like she couldn't breathe. She started running. She didn't know where she would end up but she kept going. After 5 minutes she came across a park and sat on the swing looking down. No longer with tears in her eyes.

Chord had followed her outside stopping Lauren from following and stating he could take care of it. He followed Olivia to the park and gave her a second to be by herself before he approached her.

Olivia heard someone sit next to her on the swing. She recognized it was Chord. She frowned because they weren't close. They had maybe talked 3 times all of which were because of Darren.

Chord didn't say anything. He waited until Olivia was ready to talk.

"How much do you know" she said coldly.

"Well I followed you upstairs to check on you and we'll..." Chord trailed off.

"Everything" Olivia said nodding.

"I'm here if you want to talk" Chord said.

"I just don't understand. I-I thought we were good. I mean we were getting married for goodness sake. He told me everything with Mia was in the past. That they were barley even friends. Why. Why now. Why her" Olivia said crying. Chord didn't say anything letting her get it all out. All he did was pull her into a comforting hug.

"You know we were supposed to get married in a month." Olivia laughed coldly.

"What do you mean were" Chord asked.

"He cheated on me Chord. And it wasn't the first time. I don't trust him anymore and a what's a relationship without trust. Nothing." Olivia said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Liv he's drunk. He probably doesn't even remember his own name." Chord tried explaining.

"It doesn't matter Chord. He shouldn't have even drank that much. I- I just need a break from him and- and everything." Olivia explained.

"I- I'm sorry Liv. I know how much he meant to you. But look I'm going to be here for you if you need me okay. I promise" Chord said pulling Olivia into his chest.

"Promise" Olivia said desperately.

"Pink promise" Chord replied

Meanwhile back at the party in the room with Darren and Mia.

"Shit. Shit. Shit" Darren cursed "Mia what the hell did I just do" Darren said putting his clothes back on suddenly very sober.

"We just made love baby. You forgot about that stupid whore and you made sweet love to the woman you love. Me" Mia said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"No Mia get the fuck off. I'm going to tell Olivia right now. And don't call her that. She's the most amazing beautiful caring woman I've ever met." Darren said getting up to put his shoes on. He bent over to grab them and fell to the ground as he saw her ring on the floor.

"No. No. Please say this isn't happening right now. Please" Darren cried as he picked up the ring.

"No" he sobbed again.

Back at the park with Chord and Olivia.

"Can you maybe give me some time alone. I just need to think right now." Olivia asked

"Of course.  I'll be at the party just call me if you want me to take you home." Chord said.

Olivia nodded and Chord made his way back to the party. Once he got there he stormed up stairs into the room where Darren was.  He saw Darren on the floor crying and he picked him up by the collar.

"What the hell man" Darren said confused.

Chord replied by punching Darren in the face.

"That's what you get for hurting the best thing that ever happened to you. I hope you never get to see her again. You don't deserve her you piece of shit. I don't want you to ever. And I mean ever. Talk to her again unless she asks you to." Chord finished by dropping Darren on the floor with a bloody nose.

Flashback Over.

"So Darren cheated on me with Mia" Olivia said curtly.

"I did and I really want to talk to you about it" Darren said turning his attention towards Olivia.

"Okay... I'm ready to listen... just not in camera." Olivia stated.

"Okay. Well that's the end of our story. So just ask questions and we might answer them" Darren forced a smile.

"Okay well bye guys. And remember if you can dream it, you CAN do it" Olivia ended.

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