The Apology

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"So we just discussed our first major fight." Darren began.

"So I guess we should discuss the aftermath." Olivia took a deep breath before continuing.

"Fair warning it's gonna get a bit messy so just bare with us"


"Still nothing?" Lauren questioned the morning after the big fight with Darren.

Olivia nodded as her answer. She hated herself for what she said to Darren. He didn't deserve what she said to him. None of it was even true.

"Liv, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it what you said was wrong, but in your defense he did start getting mad when you just explained you didn't want to move to LA with him. Why was that such a big deal?" Lauren asked.

"Well we had talked a lot about moving to LA together and we had everything planned out. I guess he was just really excited about it. I'm not really sure." Olivia explained.

"Oh... well I'm sorry I really don't know what to say. Maybe go look for him." Lauren suggested.

"Ya Lauren 'cause that's so logical. Do you know how many places he could be Ann Arbor is so-" Olivia thought as she realized where Darren was.

"I have to go. I know where he is" Olivia said gathering her things.

"Wait where is he... you know just in case anything happens" Lauren asked.

Olivia paused before answering. "...the lake"

Olivia got in her car and started the 2 hour trip to Lake Michigan. She realized how stupid this would be if he wasn't there. She quickly pushed that thought away. Of course he would be there. That's where the confessed their love for each other.

About half way to the lake Olivia noticed a car pulled over. It looked like someone had broken down from a far but as she came closer she discovered it was Darren sitting on the hood of his car, hands on his knees looking out into the distance.

Olivia pulled her car over right behind him and she knew he knew she was there. She walked over to his car and sat next to him on the hood of the car.

"How'd you find me" Darren said not looking at her.

"Well I was going to go to the lake because that where we confessed our feelings... but why did you stop." Olivia asked.

"I didn't stop. This is where I meant to go." Darren said gesturing to the view in front of him.

"I'm confused" Olivia said looking around.

"This is where we were when I fell in love with you. You were asleep and you looked so damn beautiful and I realized I needed you in my life forever." Darren said finally looking at the woman beside him.

"Dare I'm so so sorry" Olivia choked out.

"Liv I know you are." Darren let out a small chuckle as he put his arm around her to comfort her.

"What? How?" Olivia questioned.

"I think Lauren butt dialed me while you two were talking. You were saying how you fucked it all up and you didn't mean it. And that I was the most talented person you ever met" Darren smiled.

"Dare" Olivia started but was cut off by Darren.

"No let me finish." Darren started. "What you said really hurt me Liv. It doesn't matter if you meant it or not you still said it. You were the only person in my life that never doubted me and when you said you didn't think I could do it I was crushed." Darren explained.

"Darren. I didn't mean it. I know you can make it. Your amazing." Olivia stated.

"Then why did you say something like that" Darren asked not as mad anymore.

"I-" Olivia started but couldn't get the words out.

"I know Liv. While I was listing to you and Lauren talk. You said you weren't ready to live with me yet." Darren said holding back tears.

"Darren is not that I don't want to live with you. It's just I can't. Have you not noticed how we haven't had sex yet. That we never move past a little making out." Olivia explained.

"Actually I have. I'm just wondering why" Darren asked.

"Darren you are the first guy I've been with that has actually made me this genuinely happy. Actually your the only guy I've ever been with. Ever." Olivia looked down.

"So your a virgin." Darren asked.

"Yes but that doesn't matter right now. It's just I love you so much that I don't want to rush things. I don't want to rush it because I feel like if we do you will get sick of me and leave me. And I can't deal with you not being in my life." Olivia cried.

"Oh Liv". Darren said pulling her into a tight hug. "I will never ever leave you. I love you too much for that to ever happen."

Darren lifted up Olivia's chin to wipe her eyes. He looked in her eyes as she stared back at him. His eye flickered to her lips and instantly they were joined. At first the kiss was innocent and sweet but it quickly deepened. Good thing no one was driving this early in the morning.

Olivia moved so she was straddling Darren's lap. His erection clearly present.

Darren parted their lips and moved his to her neck. A soft moan escaped Olivia's lips as he hit her sweet spot.

Olivias hands moved to the hem of Darren's shirt and quickly pulled it off to expose his chest. She ran her fingers over his toned stomach and stopped at the buckle of his belt.

"Are you sure" Darren asked looking up at her.

"Yes... just please be gentle" Olivia said.

"Liv we don't have to do this. Not that I don't want to, but I want you to be ready and comfortable. Are you sure your ready?" Darren asked again.

"Darren nothing is going to fell more right then right here, with you.

Flashback Over

"So obviously you all know what happens next." Darren blushed.

He hated how she still had that effect on him.

"After...that...we drove back to the dorms and watched movies all night." Olivia blushed at the memory.

"On the drive back home Olivia and I made the decision that she would stay in Chicago with the other Starkids and I would stay in LA and fly down whenever they did a musical." Darren explained

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