The Test

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"Another important part of our life happened exactly 2 months after out engagement" Olivia started.

"It was something that we weren't expecting to happen, but we weren't mad about it. I guess is how I would put it.


Darren was at work one morning and Olivia was at home alone. She decided to sleep in because her and Darren had a long night.

She smiled to herself as she remembered their night together as she woke up

. Darren had taken her to a drive in movie theater to celebrate their engagement. They cuddled next to each other in the trunk of their car underneath blankets. To be fair they didn't watch much of the movie, they were too busy talking to each other to pay attention.

Olivia went to get up out of bed and went to the bathroom. She pulled down her pants to sit down on the toilet and frowned when she didn't see any blood. She had been 2 weeks late already. She kept pushing it off by saying she was just stressed and that was why she hasn't gotten her period. Darren was aware of the fact she was late and he made sure she knew it was going to be okay. 

She sat on the toilet and started crying. She didn't want to think about the fact she could be pregnant, not that she didn't want kids with Darren, but she didn't know if she was ready for all of that responsibility. She started to freak out until she remembered that she had Darren and he said they they could work this out together.

She gathered her composer enough to call Darren. She looked in the mirror and saw her eyes were very puffy and that only made her cry again. She tried to control her shaky hands as she dialed Darren number.

"Hey baby" Darren said on the other end.

"H-h-hey Dare" Olivia said with a shaky voice.

"Hey whats the matter" Darren asked but Olivia stayed quiet not able to talk.

"Oh baby, did it not come" Darren asked feeling bad.

"N-no. I need you Darren" Olivia said before breaking down in sobs. She didn't know why she was so emotional about all of this but she didn't care, all she wanted was to be held by the love of her life.

"Liv I-" Darren started but was cut off by Olivia.

"Oh my gosh i'm so sorry, I totally forgot you working...oh my gosh" Olivia said feeling embarrassed.

"No, no baby it's okay, I'll tell Ryan I have a family emergency and then i'm coming home and we are going to go to the drug store to buy a test together, then we're going to come back home and your going to take the test and i'll be next to you the entire time I promise" Darren said trying to cheer Olivia up.

"I love you" Olivia said in response.

"I love you too now I got to go i'll be home in an hour" 

With that Olivia hung up the phone and got ready without peeing so she could take the test. She put on leggings and a hoodie not in the mood to dress up. The wait for Darren to come home felt like an eternity for Olivia. Her mind was all over the place thinking about all of the possibilities. Of course she wanted to keep the baby, but she didn't know how Darren would feel. 

It took Darren an hour and a half to make it home which got Olivia worried. When she heard the car pulling in the driveway and ran downstairs and opened the door to reveal Darren. He dropped the bag that was in his hands and pulled Olivia into a massive hug.

"Oh gosh what took you so long, I was getting worried." Olivia said

"Oh, I decided to just go to the store by myself so you didn't have to leave the house like this." Darren said kissing Olivia before walking into the house and leading her upstairs into their en suite bathroom. 

"I didn't know which brand to get, so I got all of them" Darren said embarrassed. 

"You did amazing Dare" Olivia said getting one of the tests out of a box. "Thank you"

Olivia started to pull down her pants so she could pee. Darren started to leave the bathroom to give her some privacy. Quickly Olivia grabbed his wrist to stop him. 

"You said you would be by my side the whole time" She said with tears forming in her eyes. "Stay?" 

"Of course" Darren said grabbing her hand and sitting on the floor next to the toilet. 

Olivia took the test, and 5 other brands, sat them out the counter, and set a time for 5 minutes until the test would be done. She led Darren into the bedroom and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Look at me Liv" Darren said lifting her head to meet his eyes. "No matter what that test says I will love you and support you. If it says positive then I will be super excited because I would be a dad and it would be our child and that would be fucking amazing, but if it says negative I will put you in my car and take you to the doctor to see why your 2 weeks late just to make sure your healthy." 

"I love you so damn much" Olivia said kissing him. "But if it was positive, I wouldn't understand cause we've always been so careful and I'm on birth control, and we use a condom like 90% of the time and it wouldn't make sense. We're just so damn careful all the time and" Olivia rambled on before Darren stopped her with a kiss.

"Stop thinking so much. We will figure it out" Darren said.

They sat in a nervous silence waiting for the alarm to go off signaling the test are done. Finally the timer went off and Olivia stood up and grabbed Darren's hand and led him into the bathroom. She grabbed one of the tests in her hand and was about to turn it over when Darren stopped her. 

"Remember, i'm going to love you no matter what that test says." Darren said again and Olivia just nodded.

This was the moment that was going to change their life. Good or Bad. Olivia took the pregnancy test from her hand and flipped it over.

"Oh thank god" Olivia said before turning into Darren's chest and crying. Darren just held her caressing her hair for a minute before he spoke.

"Oh wow you, I didn't know you didn't want my kids that bad" Darren joked and Olivia pulled away and hit him on the arm.

"Oh shut up and take me to the hospital so I can know why i'm not bleeding from my vagina." Olivia laughed.

Flashback Over. 

"So we went to the hospital and the doctor said everything was good and I just missed my period because of the birth control" Olivia said.

"This was a quite serious moment in our life that could have changed out life. For better or worse." Darren said.

"Okay enough chat. This next part is the final part and the hardest. It's when everything ended." Olivia finished 

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