The Suprise (pt2)

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"Okay I'm ready" Olivia said walking out of Lauren's bathroom in a short flowly red dress with small flowers all over it and it was very low cut.

"Liv, you look beautiful" Lauren said while starring at Olivia.

"Thanks Lo" Olivia smiled. "Now it's your turn to get all dressy"

"Oh no no no" Lauren smirked as she looked at the clock that said 7:45.

"What? What are you doing Lauren" Olivia asked.

"Oh we gotta get going. Get in the car." Lauren said with a smile on her face.

"Lo your not dressed." Olivia pointed out.

"I know... I'm not going anywhere" Lauren laughed.

"Lo I'm so confused." Olivia stated.

"Just get in the car" Lauren said pushing Olivia out of her apartment.

Lauren and Olivia made their way to Lauren's car. Lauren started going in the direction of Olivias apartment like she was ordered.

"Lo why are we going to my apartment" Olivia asked more confused than ever.

"You'll see" Lauren smirked.

After a couple of minutes Lauren pulled into Olivia apartment complex at exactly 8:01.

"Ok get out and go to your room. I'll see you later" Lauren said pushing Olivia out of her car.

"Wait!" Olivia tried to stop Lauren from leaving. Instead of waiting Lauren just left.

Olivia made her way into the main lobby of her complex.

"Excuse me are you Olivia Bailey" a worker from the complex questioned.

"Uh yes?" Olivia said confused.

"These are for you." The worker handed Olivia a bouquet of flowers with a note attached. Olivia pulled the note off to read it.

'Surprise in your room... please don't be mad-D'

Olivia smiled as she realized it was Darren. She couldn't believe he would go through all this trouble to send flowers to her apartment and then get someone to deliver a present to her room.

Olivia made her way into the elevator to go up to her floor. As she walked in the elevator there was a note on the floor. She picked it up to read it.

'I hope you know how much I love you and how much I miss you. Look up :) -D'

Olivia did as the note said and looked up. There was a picture taped onto the ceiling of the elevator. It was a picture of them the day they got together. She didn't even know that picture existed. She smiled at the thought of him going through all this trouble just for her.

Olivia walked out of the elevator once it reached her floor. She made her way to her room keeping an eye out for any notes she might miss. She made her way all the way to her room without finding any notes. She sighed before she opened the door.

When she opened the door she was greeted with another bouquet of flowers on the counter and thousands of rose pedals on the floor of her apartment making out different shapes. She recognized a big 'M' on one side of the room and a heart shape on the other.

She smiled to her self as she made her way to the flowers. Beneath the bouquet was another note. This note was different. It only had an address on it. Her smile grew as she recognized the address. It was the restaurant she had been wanting to go to with Darren. Her smile quickly fell as she realized she had to go alone.

She flipped the note around to make sure she didn't miss anything. As she did so she saw another writing.

'Don't worry you're not going alone. Go out to your car ;)'

Olivia quickly dropped the note and ran out of her apartment making sure to lock to door. She choose to go down the stairs as the elevator would have taken too long. When she finally made it to the main floor she walked to the parking garage.

She frantically searched for her car. She frowned as she noticed it wasn't where she left it.

"Looking for this" an all too familiar voice spoke from behind her.

Olivia quickly spun on her heel and felt her legs go weak as she saw the love of her life. She immediately dropped her bag and sprinted to the man.

Darren picked Olivia up as she ran into his arms. He wrapped his arm around her tightly not believing she was right there.

"I missed you so much dare" Olivia said pulling her face from his chest to plant a kiss on his lips. "So much".

"I miss you too." Darren repeated "so so much" Darren finished planting another kiss on her lips.

Once they finished their embrace Olivia punched Darren on his shoulder once.

"Ouch what was that for" Darren laughed rubbing his arm.

"For lying to me by saying you weren't coming." Olivia fake pouted.

"Fair enough." Darren smiled.

Olivia punched his arm again, but harder this time.

"Ouch!! What now" Darren cried while rubbing his shoulder again.

"For making me think your forgot" Olivia smiled.

"Forgot what" Darren played.

"Not funny" Olivia crossed her arms.

"I'm kidding... happy anniversary baby" Darren said planting a kiss to her forehead before pulling her into another tight embrace.

"As much as I would love to stand here and hug you all day... we kinda have reservations" Darren remembered.

"Oh. Ya... let's go" Olivia smiled and intertwined their fingers.

Darren walked Olivia to her side of the car and opened her door for her before getting in on the drivers side. They made their way to Geja's Cafe.


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