TNWM: 18

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The next day, Carson knocked on Grandma Ally's house, Brynn opened it." Hi." Carson said." Hi." Brynn greeted." Come on in, we're having breakfast." Brynn said.

" Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't realize I'm so early." Carson apologized." No, it's fine." Brynn said stepping aside to let Carson in.

" Grandma, Carson's joining us for breakfast. " Brynn informed as they walked into the dining room.

" Good morning." Carson greeted politely." Good morning. Have a sit." Grandma Ally said. Carson nodded and sat down next to Brynn.

" What are you doing here early in the morning?" Kalani asked." I didn't realize it's only 9. I was excited because... Brynn and Tate's birthday is coming up... I thought that maybe we could go hiking at Alpha Peak and spend the night there." Carson said.

" That sounds fun." Tate said." Yeah, that's a  great idea. I'm up for some adventure." Brynn said." Let's do it." Johnny said sounding excited.

" Carson, can I borrow your guitar?" Johnny asked." Yes, of course, just come to my house." Carson said." Can we go now?" Johnny asked excitedly.

" You have to finish breakfast first." Grandma Ally said. Johnny smiled then finished his food." Alright, I'm all done. Can we go now?" Johnny asked.

Everyone laughed." Fine. After you wash the dishes." Tate said. Johnny groaned rolling his eyes." Ok, ok." Johnny said standing up picking his plate as Kaycee and Kalani grabbed everyone's plates and placed it on the sink as Johnny washes it.

" Cool, William and his friends are in your house too." Lauren said looking up from her phone." I mean.. not that I'm excited or anything." Lauren said.

Brynn, Kaycee, Tate, and Kalani chuckled." I'm done." Johnny said walking in the living room." Ok, let's go." Carson said opening the door.

" Johnny and Lauren will be riding with us I guess." Brynn said as Carson opened the door for her. Johnny and Lauren smiled and get inside. Carson and Brynn glanced at each other before heading inside and drove away with Kalani, Tate, and Kaycee following behind.

" Sweet ride." Johnny said." It's a birthday gift for my 16th birthday." Carson said." How many guitars do you have?" Johnny asked.

" Uhm... around 6." Carson said." And I also have a drum set and piano." Carson said." Wow." Johnny and Lauren said at the same time.

" So, what were you guys doing in LA this summer?" Carson asked." Oh, writing songs for my EP." Johnny said." What about you Lauren?" Carson asked.

" I did a photoshoot for Teen Vogue." Lauren said." That's a big deal." Carson said." It is." Lauren said." Did you have fun?" Carson asked.

" Yes, I did. It was super fun to shoot." Lauren said. Carson smiled then continued driving. A few minutes later they arrived at the Lueders'mansion.

" Wow, Carson, is this your house?" Kaycee asked." Technically, yes. This is my great grandpa's mansion." Carson explained.

" Come on in." Carson said opening the door then greeted by Kenzie holding a glass of water in her hand walking up the stairs." Oh- Hey guys!" Kenzie greeted.

" Hi Kenz." They greeted." What are you guys doing here?" Kenzie asked." Johnny's borrowing my guitar- wait, I remember. Johnny, we have a music room, it's where we record and write our songs." Carson said.

" That's so cool." Johnny said already going up the stairs when Tate grabbed his shirt and pulled him back. Everyone chuckled." Kenzie, show them the way." Carson said.

" Follow me." Kenzie said with a smile. They went upstairs where they saw Hayden, Annie, and William running in the hallway.

" Guys!" Kenzie called." Lauren. Hi guys!" William greeted giving Lauren a hug then waving at everyone else. " O my gosh." Maddie startled as she saw the Rumfallos.

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