Chapter 29 Date preparations part 1

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Roman groggily opened an eye as Virgil bolted up and snapped his head to were Remus was wearing what looked like cymbals on his feet. He was tap dancing and every time he even touched the ground a crash echoed from the new shoes.

Virgil wiped the sleep out if his eyes with one hoodie sleeve as he glared at Remus. "If I wanted to be deaf I'd sit down next to your annoying dogs."

Remus gasped dramatically. "You cannot be talking about my puppers that way."

"Really? I thought you wouldn't understand me since your almost one of them." Virgil snapped. The crashing was giving him a headache.

Roman just rolled over and went back to sleep, not up for their bs.

Logan slammed open the living room door, not wearing his glasses. "IT IS TWO O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THE FUCKING CYMBALS?!"

Remus shrugged. Janus sat up and started watching the scene play out. "I was boooooored." Remus whined.

Logan's eye twitched. "Do. Something. Else."

Remus shrugged and flopped onto his pillow, instantly asleep. Janus rolled his eyes and followed in suit.

Logan glared around the room squinting a little since he couldn't see very well. He let out an annoyed sigh and walked back to his room. Virgil finally went back to sleep after he left.


Emile was the first one to wake up that morning. He checked his phone. 7:28. He straighted out his pink tie and walked into the kitchen.

Logan walked in a bit later. "If everyone wakes up soon we can take them home to take a shower and get changed then proceed to the shopping center."

Emile nodded and grabbed a bagel. He was the one who originally got Logan and Patton together, and had been friends with both of them for forever. "Is Pat still sleeping?"

Logan nodded. "Yes but I'm planning on waking him up in a few minutes if he doesn't wake up."

"Alright let's get down to Bismuth to defeat the puns." Emile continued eating his bagel.

"Was that a Steven Universe reference and a Mulan pun?" Logan narrowed his eyes as Emile laughed and shrugged.

Patton ran in, in Logan's unicorn onesie. "I WAS AWOKEN BY THE SOUND OF PUNS."

"Isn't that mine?" Logan pointed at the onesie.

" were in the same bed how'd you not notice besides I'm borrowing it, I wore my cat onesie last night and I wanted to change after." Patton snuggled into it.

Emile laughed. "I think it's his now Lo. You're never getting that back."

Logan huffed but adjusted his glasses and looked at Patton who still looked half asleep. "Well I'm going to wash up. Pat you making breakfast?"

"Mmhmm. I think it's just gonna be muffins because I'm not really in a cooking mood." Patton opened the fridge.

Logan walked away as Janus walked in. "Good morning."

"Hey Jan. Wanna muffin?" Patton opened the fridge.

"I mean I don't WANT one, but I guess I'll suffer eating your cooking." Janus said dramatically. Patton handed him a muffin and Janus wolfed it down. "I don't want another one."

"Mmhmm." Patton handed Janus another muffin, and he ate that one too.

Virgil sleepily walked in. "Morning padre."

"Good morning Virgil. If you wake Roman up I can drive you guys to your house so you can get cleaned up." Patton handed him a muffin as Emile grabbed a glass of milk.

Virgil nodded and ate the muffin sleepily. Remus wandered in next, looking surprisingly sane. Like it was scary how okay he looked.

"Morning Remus." Patton said slowly.

"Hmm morning. We are going to head home soon right? I have to barf up a rat." Remus said calmly.

Patton nodded giving him a confused look before turning back to the muffins.

Janus sighed. "It's because he didn't sleep almost all night. It'll take about two hours before he's normal."

Everyone else eventually wandered into the room and ate breakfast. Logan and Patton piled everyone into the car and brought them to their houses.

Virgil walked through the door to see Jo her friends playing video games on the couch. Currently she was in the lead in Mario kart and loudly letting everyone know.

"Where'd you go last night?" The emo asked confused as Roman wandered up to his room to take a shower.

"Oh I left. Yeah I got bored and now I'm destroying this loser in mario- HEY." She was cut off by a pillow hitting her in the head. Lyss shrugged sheepishly.

"Mmhmm. Well me and Ro are gonna head out today with everyone."

"Oh yeah to prepare for your date? Which we've all been waiting for, for like ever. Damn you guys are slow." Jo didn't take her eyes off the screen.

Her brother gave her a confused look before walking upstairs, a bit alarmed.

Virgil quickly took a shower and put on his usual clothes and hoodie. Roman came out (he's gay) in a white shirt with a gold crown and a red varsity jacket over it.

Roman kissed the top of Virgil's head, who maturely stuck his tongue out at him.

Roman booped his nose. "Heeeeeeey." Virgil complained and started walking out the door.

"So what are we doing Robert Downer Jr?" Roman asked curiously.

"Um I think we're walking to Pat's and they'll take us from there. Patton just said 'dont worry I'll handle it'? In this like serious tone??" Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Oooooh. Yikes. Okay well let's hope nothing gets destroyed this time." Roman said.

"Should I be worried?"

"Aren't you always worried?" Roman pointed out.

"Hey look man, not all of us can be perfect." Virgil poked his shoulder.

"I'm not perfect V." Roman smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right. Have you seen you?! Like seriously I don't understand how you could like me." Virgil put his hoodie up. "Woah it's getting colder."

"I disagree. You are amazing. You're perfectly imperfect and that's amazing. It makes you interesting." Roman smiled softly at Virgil.

They arrived at the bakery. Logan and Patton were listening and singing to a song. "Lo it's your line!"

Logan sighed. "Guess whaaat. I'm not a robot. A robot." Patton beamed at him. "I don't understand."

"Of course you wouldn't." Patton giggled before turning to Roman and Virgil. "YOU'RE HEEEEERE! Remy and Emile are in the other room and I think Remus and Janus are meeting us there."

Virgil nodded. "Soooo what are we doing?"

"Well Virgil, you, Remy, and Logan are gonna get in the car and go to that one place and Roman, Emile, and I are going to the same place but you guys can't see eachother untill we bought the clothes." Patton said as Remy and Emile walked in.

Patton waved at Virgil, grabbed Roman's and Emile's arms, ran out the door and drove off.

"Um okay so that just happened." Virgil looked at Logan and Remy.

Logan adjusted his glasses and sighed again. "Virgil go out to the car. Let's go spend a ridiculous amount of money."

"TO LOOK FABULOUS!" Remy squealed. "C'mon bitches, we're going shopping."

Well that was super filler

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