Chapter 16 Camping part 1

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Okay so I finally stopped squealing thank you again

"Yay we're here!" Patton squealed as he jumped out of the car.

"I wonder if I can sing with any of the birds" Roman wondered as he walked outside.

Logan grabbed the hammock and a book as Remus ran around scaring all the animals away. Virgil put on his headphones as he walked around to scout the area.

Janus took a walk to stretch his legs, and Remy and Emile happily went bird watching.

When the sun started to set they all regrouped to set up camp. Logan, Janus, Remy and Roman decided to try to set up the tent but it wasn't going very well.

"It's not that hard!" Logan yelled exasperated. "You put the stake in the ground you know?"

"NO I DON'T KNOW." Roman yelled from the other side as Janus stole the tarp.

"It's honestly not that hard Roman." Janus shrugged.

"Your the one making it difficult!" Roman yelled back.

"Ya know what?" Remy dropped what he was holding. "I cannot deal with this. No ma'am. No ma'am.  I'm going to hang out with Patton and Emile."

"You can't LEAVE us!" Roman yelled as Logan face palmed.

Logan just sighed and grabbed one of the tent poles and started putting the tent up. "Janus, can you grab the other side?"

Janus looked at the pole he was holding then back up at Logan. ""

Logan just huffed and somehow managed to do it himself.

Meanwhile Remus and Virgil where on fire duty. Probably the worst job for someone who touches fire for fun, and someone who has horrible anxiety.

"Lemmie touch it ooonce Virgy~" Remus said trying to stick his hand in the fire.

"Dont- don't say it like that." Virgil made a face as he swatted Remus away from the fire. "If you could not be an asshole for like five minutes that'd be great."

"Hmm we'll seeee." Remus grinned as he picked up the water. "So why do we have two water buckets?"

"Incase something happens to the first one." Virgil explained, still glaring at Remus.

"Huh." Remus picked up the bucket, and dunked it on Virgil. "Get dunked on."

"I FUCKING HATE YOU." Virgil yelled as he stormed off to get a towel from Emile and Patton who were unpacking everything.

"Hmm. Welp time to stick my hand in the fire!" Remus grinned.

Emile and Patton were unpacking the food and Emile was eating a carrot when Virgil came over. "What's up doc?"

"Please get me a towel right now." Virgil narrowed his eyes.

"Hold on kiddo. I'm still unpacking the food. I'll get one in a sec kay?" Patton reached down to start moving boxes and look for towels.

"Hurry up." Virgil was sick of being covered in freezing water.

"Aww no need to be so cold about it." Patton laughed as Virgil punched his arm lightly.

Remy walked over looking very annoyed. "Ugh can you believe the NERVE of them. They were being UNBELIEVABLY rude."

Emile giggled as Patton handed Virgil the towel. "I better go make sure Remus doesn't burn himself-" Virgil was cut off by Remus's unmistakable scream in the distance. "More."

Virgil walked back over, still shivering as Remus held his burnt hand. "Pain is hilarious!"

Virgil gave him another weird look. "Noooooo..? Ugh I'll get Logan to help you with your burn." Virgil walked over to where the tent was.

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