Chapter 25 Truce

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Sooo I might have to rap up this story soonish?

Roman and Virgil flopped on the couch back home, both exhausted. Virgil curled up on Roman's lap, clutching the spider stuffie he got.

Virgil slowly drifted off as Roman kissed the top of his head and fell asleep as well, leading both of them into a dreamless sleep.

Jo walked in to see Roman cradling Virgil, both asleep on the couch. "Called it." She laughed quietly before heading up to her room.

Virgil woke up early, careful not to disturb his new Friend- er no boyfriend... What are we??

He scrambled around the house looking for where he threw his phone. He finally found it on the table and went on the group chat that had everyone except Roman and Remus.

Virgil: Guys it's the twins birthday we need to do something

Poptart: Ooooh we could throw a surprise party at our house!!

Nerd: Is it clean enough?

Snek: it'll be fine.

Steven Universe jr: Well I'm already at the store so what do you guys need?

Snek: Cake obviously


Nerd: we all should get them something nice. And we need to distract the twins.

Jojosiwa: I gotcha covered.

Nerd: *Got you

Jojosiwa:....right. Okay well I'll call Remus over and they can watch me destroy them in Mario kart.

Virgil: okay cool

Coffee the person: We should get a giant chocolate cake.


Roman woke up to see his brother and Virgil's sister hovering right above them. "FINALLY." They said in unison.

The red head glared at them. "Why are you here and where's Virgil?"

Remus shrugged as Jo tilted her head. "Woooooooork?"

"Convincing." Remus said sarcastically.

"No idea. You guys wanna be demolished in Battlefront or Mario kart or Smash Bros?" Jo asked throwing a controller at Remus and Roman.

Roman gave her a look. "Is that a challenge?"

She laughed. "It's fate dude." They loaded up the game as Roman got a text.

Stormcloud: Hey I won't be home for the next few hours. Can you watch over Jo to make sure she doesn't destroy the place?

Roman looked over at Jo who was cussing Remus out for throwing a banana peel at her in the game.

Roman: Sure. Be safe love you.

Stormcloud: Love ya too Princy.

Virgil ran into the bakery and up the stairs to the main house, still grinning from the conversation he just had. Yes they both knew they liked eachother, but saying I love you felt amazing.

Logan looked down from his ladder where he was hanging up streamers. "Patton and Emile are unloading stuff in the garage, Remy and I are on decorations, you and Janus are on presents."

Virgil rolled his eyes but nodded. He'd have to work with Janus. The snake was waiting out front as Virgil climbed into his car. They silently drives for awhile before Janus spoke. "So is it like your goal to be edgy or...?"

Virgil narrowed his eyes. "Is it your goal to be an asshole?"

Janus snorted. "Touché I guess. So you take joy in insulting me then?"

"Highlight of my day." Virgil smirked as he scrolled through Tumblr.

"Of course." Janus looked at him. "Why do you hate me so much anyways?"

Virgil sent a look of alarm, confusion, and annoyance at him. "You seriously don't know? It was a bunch of things honestly but when you and Remus started hanging out with those kids in highschool... Then they started bullying me and you did nothing. Then we dated for awhile but apparently that blond meant soooooo much more than me which was fine. We weren't going to work out anyways. But then you told me we officially had to break up OVER TEXT."

Janus sat there for a second before muttering. "You weren't always a fucking dream yourself."

Virgil snapped at him. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Janus switched lanes.

"Let's see whenever I asked you how you were I either got an 'I'm FINE' or a 'You wouldn't know'. And I never knew when you'd be in one of your moods. One day I'd bring you chocolate and you'd smile the next day you'd slam the door in my face for wasting my money. I did NOT want Audry, she cornered me. And I broke up with you over text because I was always there for you but the one time I needed you because my mom had died you were VERY busy."

Virgil scoffed at him. "Patton was very sick and Logan was in Europe."

Janus just shook his head. "But it's all over now and I love Remus and you love Roman. I guess it sort of works out..." They pulled into the parking lot.

Virgil took a deep breath. "Janus, at least for the twins birthday can we declare like a truce or something. That sounds kinda childish..."

Janus nodded. "Alright. It's a truce I guess."

The both walked into the store.

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