Chapter 3 Probably Filler

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Virgil was at his usual spot at the counter when the same redhead from yesterday walked in. "Well look who's back? Step into my parlor said the spider to the fly."

Prince rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Quoting children's nursery rhymes now?"

Virgil grinned. "Yup. Now if you could please order something simple like-"

"Iced venti caramel macchiato. 15 pumps vanilla syrup, made with HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM, barely any ice, one shot, add whip, extra caramel drizzle. Oh and don't forget the whipping cream." The redhead beamed.

"Go fuck yourself." Virgil grumbled as he stood up to get it all.

"Not a very good business Moto." Roman pointed out, still with an impish grin on his face.

Vigil looked over. "Anything else your majesty, or did you just come here to annoy me?"

"Nope that should be all. Patton's next movie night is tommorow so I won't have you nuzzling into my arm tonight. And don't forget my proformance in three days."

Virgil's face heated up. "Flirting with employees is against the rules. But here, take this and go away. And I won't forget dipshit, I have tickets to it." He handed Roman his complicated order.

"Fucktangular!" Roman grinned and started drinking it.

Virgil gave him a look. "No one ever says that. Why do you do this??!"

Roman grinned, gave him the money, and walked out the door.

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