Chapter 14 Cats

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Virgil shrugged. "Yeah they live here to Princy. It's an old house. You just have to turn on music and chase the scary shit away."

Roman still looked unnerved. "Okay just with huge information bombs don't leave me to find them out okay?"

Virgil nodded. "Okay. Also how did you not know about the ghosts and weather here? Almost everyone in St. Orleans complains about it at some point."

Roman shrugged. "I just moved here about four months ago to get away from my homophobic parents. I already knew Logan since we'd been friends since grade school so I decided to come. The first time you met me, that was my first day here."

Virgil thought for a second. "Damn we met that long ago? True you came in like every week huh. Wow. Your doing a lot of moving then ha sorry."

Roman smiled back. "I enjoy it a lot more here then at my old house, when I'm not being chased by ghosts. Oh who was that guy at the door?"

Virgil went through his phone to pick up the security camera footage. "No one went up to the door besides that giant branch and me. And my sister when she left this morning. Speaking of which, she can't come home so it's just us."

Roman sucked in a breath. "There was someone there Virgil. He had greasy hair and a giant green coat."

To his surprise, he was met with laughter. "That's just Larry. He'll visit from time to time. Pay him no mind."

Roman let out a squeak of confusion and fear as Virgil laughed. "You'll be fiiine."

"Hey um can I take a shower...? I don't know where the bathroom is on the second floor." Roman asked.

"Oh there should be one attached to your room. Near your closet, how have you not found it yet? Though rooms do tend to vanish and reappear from time to time.." Virgil muttered

Roman shrugged. He walked upstairs and into the bathroom to see a cat sitting in his bathtub. "Hi can you please move."

The cat meowed at him but gave him a look that said 'try me asswipe. I'm not moving'

Roman rolled his eyes. "I'll turn on the water."

The cat narrowed it's eyes 'ahem excuse me?! Do you want a bloody face because I won't hesitate bitch'

"VIIIIRGIL YOUR CAT WONT MOVE PLEASE HELP" Roman yelled down the stairs.

Virgil came up. "Seamus could you not." He scooped up the cat and walked out of the room to his room yelling behind him "sorry Seamus is super needy."

Roman took a quick shower and got into giant white fuzzy Lilo and Stitch pants and a white and gold fluffy shirt with Mickey on it.

He came downstairs to see Virgil reading a book in Black and purple PJs. "Hey Princy we clash." Virgil said when he looked over at him.

Roman just shrugged and walked over to the couch before one of the cats tripped him and he fell on Virgil.

"OW YOU STUPID CATS." Virgil yelled as he and Roman fell off the couch.

Virgil ended up next to Roman, arms and legs tangled up together as the calico cat that tripped Roman looked down at them disapprovingly.

The cat got up and sat in the middle of them, quickly falling asleep. "Well we could move but it looks like we've been chosen." Roman joked.

"You don't have a cat allergy do you Princy?" Virgil joked back.

Eventually Virgil picked up the cat who let out a confused 'mreow?' and Virgil plopped him on the windowsill. "Sorry about Atticus. He's special."

Roman laughed. "Certainly special."

The two sat around and joked about random things before Virgil decided he was going to head up to bed.

Roman quickly followed him, still not used to the giant house. When they got to Virgil's room, Virgil quickly spun around to face him. "So are you going to go to your room or kiss me goodnight or what?"

Roman smirked "I could I suppose."

Virgil pushed him away. "I was joking dipshit. What are you doing?'

A look of shyness washed over Roman. "Actually I was wondering if I could sleep in your room tonight. The ghosts thing is creeping me out."

Virgil let out a sigh but nodded. "You get to sleep on the beanbag. Don't make too much noise."

Roman nodded as he crashed into the beanbag and drifted off to sleep. Virgil however bad a much more difficult time sleeping, but soon he too fell into a dark void with open arms.

Virgil jolted awake. "..damn another nightmare." He looked over to see Roman shaking in his sleep, without a blanket.

The smaller one sighed, but he refused to leave his friend like that. He grabbed one of his fluffy blankets and draped it over Roman.

Roman yanked on the blanket as Virgil lost his balance and fell next to him.

Great I fell again today. More bruises yaaay. Between that and whenever Jo does one of her surprise hugs I'm surprised I'm not entirely bruised yet.

Virgil leaned into the beanbag and took some of the blanket as one of his cats, Coffee Bean, walked over to him and fell asleep next to him.

Virgil gave in and fell asleep next to his favorite cat and person.

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