Chapter 7 The Bakery

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Roman woke up to see Vigil still asleep and curled up in his lap. "Morning sunshine!" Roman jumped up throwing Virgil onto the floor as he flung open the curtains.

"No..." Virgil rolled face down on the ground. "I'm sleeping forever."

Roman snuck up behind him and picked him up bridal style. "NOPE!" He threw him onto the bed.

"I'll give you five bucks if you let me sleeeeeep." Virgil groaned from his bed as Roman walked into the bathroom and started filling the tub with cold water. "Hey what are you doing?" Virgil mumbled as Roman picked him up. He walked over to the tub and dumped Virgil into the cold water.

Roman giggled. "Giving the grumpy cat a bath."

Virgil glared at him now fully awake, clothes dripping and he got out. "I'm going to have to stab you." He said quietly before he sprung at Roman.

The two wobbled as Virgil clung onto Roman's shoulders, knocking them both into the tub. Roman pushed Virgil away as he tried to get up but fell back in. Virgil dragged himself out and laughed at Roman. "You okay there Princy?"

"Just swimmingly princess." He flirted back as he bushed his brown hair out of his face.

"Ugh whatever. We really need to discuss your living arrangement though. Maybe we could call Patton and Logan since they've lived in this city for awhile and Logan is a master at doing anything and everything logical." Virgil suggested. "I mean you can live here for as long as you need, but we need to talk about your dog."

Roman nodded as he climbed out of the tub. "Um do you have any extra clothes?"

Virgil nodded. "Yup. You don't look like someone who would wear something like I do soooo here." Virgil handed him an oversized grey sweatshirt and sweatpants. "At least until you get some clothes. Also sorry if they are a little tight."

Roman nodded again. Virgil was definitely smaller than him. Roman went into the bathroom to change, and found Virgil was right. This was a little tight and definitely NOT his style. "But I suppose it will have to do." He said to himself annoyed.

He walked out to see Virgil in a black jacket with purple patches on it that looked absolutely adorable on him.

"I just called Logan and Patton. We're meeting at their house, on the bakery side." Virgil said.

Patton and Logan owned a bakery and had their house at the back of it, and on the top floor. Patton had originally started it, but was never good with money until he met Logan who helped him. At first the two were just roomates and friends, but had eventually grown closer and started dating. Now they owned the best bakery in St. Orleans.

Okay so sorry to interrupt but hi it's me. St. Orleans is a cross between St. Louis and New Orleans. So yes it's extremely dangerous and full of crime yaaay.

Virgil walked out of the house dragging Roman behind him. "We're walking since I don't wanna pay for an Uber or Taxi and my sister has the car."

Roman grinned. "Eh it's a pretty day anyway. How long is the walk?"

Virgil shrugged. "It's a little over a mile, so 20-25 minutes. But it's a nice walk as long as it doesn't-" Virgil was cut off by a loud thunder crash and rain that came pouring down. "rain..."

Virgil and Roman quickly ran back into the house. Virgil shuffled around for an umbrella. He pulled out a tiny umbrella that was entirely black with Elsa and Anna designs on it.

"Ugh Thomas! I babysit a little boy named Thomas who LOVES Disney and he must have taken my umbrella and left this one on accident. He's really nice though." Virgil said. "So I guess we're using this one heh sorry."

Roman shrugged and took the umbrella to open it before Virgil ran over to stop him. "Opening umbrellas inside is bad luck." Roman nodded and headed outside to open it.

They walked out under the tiny umbrella, close together to not get caught in the rain. At one point a loud crash of thunder came through and Virgil quickly grabbed one of Roman's oversized fingers.

"You could just hold my hand you know." Roman laughed.

Virgil blushed. "Oh do you love me thaaaaaat much. Besides your hands are too big to hold, so I'm using your finger. Suffer."

Roman grinned. "Mmhm."

Virgil unexpectedly punched Roman in the arm. "What do you mean Mmmhm? Is that like an 'yes I do love you let's get married mmhmm' or a 'lol I don't believe this idiot mmhm'??"

Roman laughed and pushed Virgil out into the rain. Virgil glared back. "Oh so that's what we're doing?!" The emo shoved Roman out from under the umbrella so hard he fell into a puddle. The color drained from Virgil's face. "Oh ha whoops took it a little to far."

Roman silently stood up, took the umbrella from Virgil, and closed it. "You better run" Virgil ran down the street laughing manically as Roman chased him. "GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW VIRGIL ALEXANDER GRAVES."

Virgil frantically dashed into the bakery and slammed the door shut behind him, panting frantically.

Logan, who was at the counter raised a brow at the soaking wet Virgil leaning against his door as Roman pounded on the door outside. "That's Roman, isn't it?"

Virgil nodded. "Roman had a sleepover didn't he?" Logan asked.

Virgil nodded again. "You two didn't do anything stupid last night, did you?"

Virgil shook his head as his face heated up. "No, no! I don't like him like that Lo!"

Logan rolled his eyes. "Okay so you're in denial. That's wonderful. Also let him in. I can't add up this money with all that obnoxiously loud banging. Go upstairs and ask Patton for towels."

Virgil narrowed his eyes but let Roman in. "Ugh I cannot believe you! And my hair was perfect today."

"Ha you narcist." Virgil gave a dark chuckle as he went behind the counter, waved at Logan, and dragged Roman upstairs.

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