Poetry 101

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The colors is vague

Such a varity remains

Blue, Green, Purple


It rusts over time as skin begins to decay

The breath is ragged

The heart is hurt

The soul is lost


Vile reappears

Flies out from mouth

Glides down the chest

Spills onto the floor

She leaves to find hope

There he is




Shouts and screams

But she doesn't return

She'll never return

She's gone

To think he did it for her

Came back for her

This is his payment

It strikes

His temple hit

Head hurts

Brains thunder

It screams

Needs to drench its thirst

Times up

It shrivels into a pebble of organs

In the end the glass breaks


Into a million pieces

No hope left

All faith gone

The consistant beating rings through the ears

It softens

It slows


Eyes are wide open

He returns


The Life of A Zombie . . .

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