Da Fuq? {R&R} 101

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Why does it matter?

Why do we have to go?

What the hell Bro!

Wasted time if you ask me. No purpose of going. No purpose of attending. You learn one year. Pass than move on. Summer comes and goes. You forget what was taught.

Now prove me if I'm wrong, but when will I ever need to know the circumference of a damn circle if I become nothing in relations to math?

What if I become an english teacher?

I mean yeah, thanks for teaching me about counting money. I'll need that. Even though everything gets calculated, I'll still need that.

And what's with school starting so early in the morning and being so damn long? Why not split a period in half and stop doubling classes? I mean, School should start at 10 and end at 3. Okay, maybe 3:30. That sounds reasonable.

But come on.

8? Really? . . Is it that serious? -_-

And how many months? What the fudge!! Only 2 months vacation? Why not 2 in the summer and 2 in winter? It's a bitch trying to get to school through blizzards you know. I'm not lucky. I don't live in 80 degree weather every freaking day.

I like sleep.

I live vacations.

I hate school.

So why don't you do the math . . .

Thank you. Very much. Whoever created education in a 7 hour time frame and limited breaks. And to anybody who is trying to make school a year long thing, if and when I find out who you are, where you live and what you do daily, I shall end it all for you and than we'll see how in a hurry you're in to change school to a all year long thing.

If it's that serious to you, than you go read a book.

Asshole . . .


I'm tired. Got school in some hours. Fudge . .

Night :\

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