Minisodes 101

106 2 0

Character List

Ryan: 9 yrs

Avery: 14 yrs

Savannah: 14 yrs *A and S are twins*

Christopher: 12 yrs

Elcee: 16 yrs *All are siblings*

Death of the Mr. Next Door Neighbor

S: "He's not dead, right?"

A: "I . . . I don't know for sure . . ."

E: "Oh my God. Mom is going to kick my ass."

R: "You shouldn't curse Elcee, it isn't very nice."

C: "Oh shut up Rye! I don't think any of us are nice right now. We just killed our freaking neighbor!"

S: "Correction Chris, you just killed the neighbor . . ."

C: ((o_0)) "How was I supposed to know he was fall in to the trap."


C: "I was trying to see if I could dig to the middle of the earth just like every other normal kid."

*everyone gives him a look*

C: "What? I was trying to complete my bucket list . . . that was number 2."

A: "What's number 1?"

C: "You-You don't wanna know."

A: ". . . no, I think I do . . ."

C: "Well, I wanted to record a whole year of my life for the future. To do that, I needed a camera . . ."

S: "Where'd you get a camera?"

A: "It better not be mines, because if it is, you're dead."

C: "No, I got my own . . . "*lowers voice drastically* "Just with your money . . ."

A: "Ha, for a second there I thought you said with my money, the money that I was saving for my phone, the money that took me 5 birthdays to save for next week. But we all know you aren't that dumb."

*C looks down at his feet, sweat drops begin to form, A gone into overdrive, murderous look in his eyes*

A: "It wasn't my money right?"

S: "Ave, calm down, let's not do this right now. We need to figure out what the hell we're going to do with the body."

E: "How the hell are we gonna get that body up here when it's all the way down there?"

A: "You're dead little boy, that's my number 1 on my bucket list."

C: *takes cautious steps back, A approaches slowly, full on chase goes on btwn them in the background* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"


R: *shakes head in shame* "Kids . . ."

S: "Ok so why not re-cover the hole? No one will know."

E: "Yeah, I'm sure no one will realize there's a big patch of grass missing in the middle of the lawn."

S: "Got any other ideas?"


*both stare at him*

E: "What is it?"

S: "This should be good . . ."

R: "Why not build a tree here? You see, the circumference is wide enough for a tree but too deep so what we need to do is throw in enough dirt to fill it up half way covering the you-know-what and then we purchase a sapling. We plant it here and cover the rest and no one will suspect a thing. Simple and easy!"

*girls look at him incredulously*

R: "Amateurs . . ."

((3 hours later))

C: "A-hole, you didn't have to throw a rock at my head."

A: "Well, you didn't have to steal my money."

C: "Didn't steal it. I was gonna pay you back when I got a job."

A: "Yeah, like that was gonna happen anytime soon."

C: "Thank you for the high support bro . . ."

A: "Here for you anytime."

S: "Shut up and bury faster. We don't want to make a scene, especially when the Mrs. gets home."

E: "Definitely getting my ass whipped when we get home."

S: "No one will know."

A: "And if it so comes to that point when someone finds out,"

R: "We'll just say it was Chris."

A, S, C: "Exactly!"

C: "Wait, what?"

S: "Ok, Elcee, get the sap and put it in there."

E: "Ugh, I, uh, can't believe, ugh, this thing was, uh, $20, ugh can I get help?!"

R: "No, your right there. Just push it in! And hurry because the Mrs. is now arriving!"

S, C, A: "Go! Go! Go! Go!"

E: "It's in! Hurry, throw in the dirt!!"

*all begin kicking in the dirt and Ryan pats it*

A: "Ryan! Let's get out of here!"

R: "I'm coming! Give me a sec! Go on without me!"

*everyone minus R runs across the yard and jumps the fence beside C which manages to get his shirt caught in the fence and begins to panic*

R: *shakes head again, looks back at plant* "I'll see you soon my darling. I love youuu!"

*gets up, runs to fence, gives C a push then unlock the latch, opens door and closes it vanishing behind the lovely white fence with the pretty roses that surrounds it leaving nothing behind as evidence.*

((One week later))

* Family next door heads on vaca, while driving by the house with the sap, they all turn their heads and find one very alive looking hand resting against the bark of the sap and slowly it changes into a middle finger*

C, S, E, A: ((o_0))

R: "Oh yeah, he's coming for yah alright . . ."

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