Stories 101

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She walked through the woods on a quiet snowy evening.

She wanted to get away from her troubles, vanish for a moment.

On she went until she heard a crack somewhere behind her.

Slowly she turned around and of course nothing was to be found.

She turned around to face where she was coming from but she stopped short.


No sound.

No whisper.

No air.

Total silence.

"I know someone's there. I'm not scared."

No response.


So she did what any brave person would have done.

She continued her journey.

Deeper into the woods without a care of anything besides her own life and death.

"Stop . . "

And she did.

"Whose there?" She asked once more.


But blood.

Thick hot blood dripping from the trees.

"This isn't funny," she said.

A sudden gust of wind left her in shivers.

"What do you want?" She yelled.


"Leave me alone!"

"Get out of the woods . . ." A voice traveled through the wind.

"What is wrong with you?" She yelled back.

Bloodred tracks were on the snow patches in front of her.

Then she saw it.

Same colored eyes.

Paled face.

Dirty skin.

Ashen body.



"Oh my . . ."

"I told you to leave . . ." The wind whispered.


She was left dead.

It was her.

"You were warned. Now you suffer . . ."

The blood from the trees fell harder and harder and soon it drowned her.

She drowned but not of the blood of the trees.

But from the fear of her heart and the games in her head.

When you let your mind roam, things happen.

The worst thing to fear is not death itself but the fear that you will die . . .

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