Dark Poetry 101

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Character List





*So my Mom has my lap and I can't write chaps. I'm currently doing this via cell because I wanted to and I'm just that awesome. I'm thinking about putting the poem towards the end in the Attys. Not sure yet. Anyways . . . Like . . Yeah . . Moving on . .*

K: We can work this out . .

C: We can't

K: And why the hell not?

C: I just can't do it anymore . .

K: 'it'? :\

C: Living, I can't do it anymore

K: But . . You can't just leave me . .

C: Ky, we're already miles away from each other. It's not like you'd miss out on much

K: The hell I won't! I'd miss you! I'd miss this! Talking and texting and all the other bull we do just so we won't think about the distance a part . . I even begged my mom to pay me a plane ticket to go over seas just to see you . . . To meet you . . . You just can't throw this all away. I WON'T let you

C: :(

K: . . .

C: I'm sorry

K: Now you're apoligizing?

C: It's all I can offer

K: So that's it? You've given up? You've lost hope?

C: I've lost you . . .

K: Are you blind?! I'm right here!! I'm afraid to lose YOU

C: . . . Just forget . . .

K: ?

C: Everything . .

K: ??

C: Me . .

*5 minutes later*

K: No.

C: ?

K: No. I'm not gonna just forget you -_-

C: You'll make yourself suffer

K: That's my point

C: You wanna suffer?

K: I'll already be suffering w/o you so there's no difference :(

C: I don't want you to suffer

K: So then please don't do it. I'd stop you if I could. I'd take the pain away if you'd let me. Just don't do this

C: I have to go

K: NO!

C: I sent you something via mail a couple days ago. It should be arrviving soon.


C: I uh . . . Take care of yourself Ky

K: COLE!! STOP!!!!!

C: :(

K: Cole, please don't do it. Don't leave me. Give me a week and I'll be beside you and I'll help you. I can help you. Please . . Don't do it. I can't have you abandon me too . . .

C: Ky . . .

K: Cole please . . . :(

*no response for an hour**C still online*

K: Cole

K: Hello

K: Cole please answer me

K: Cole

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