Minisodes 101

70 2 0

Character List



Arielle (16)

Richard (17)


*Mom sitting on couch, reading magazine, Arielle rushes in*

A: "Mom, I need 40 bucks so I'm just gonna take it from your wallet, okay? Thanks!"

*A rushes back out, Mom doesn't look up, flips page*

M: "There's nothing in there. I've gone broke. Ask your father though I know he'll say no."

*A rushes back in"

A: "You're kidding right?"

*Mom shakes head*

A: "Ugh, it's like you work for nothing!"

M: "Yes darling, because we all know I'm useless around here. All I do is free-load."

*A mimics mom under breath, rushes out and into the kitchen, Richard is eating cereal at table*

A: "Rich, where's dad?"

*looks up while chewing*

R: "Oh, well good morning to you too, Sunshine."

A: -_- "No seriously, where's dad?"

*R puts another spoonful of flakes in his mouth, looks @ A with amusement*

A: "Rich!"

R: "Yes, Dearest?"

A: "What the hell Richard! Where the heck is daddy?"

R: "Well," *puts more flakes in his mouth, chews a bit* "If you must know, he has taken off into the world in search of his real daughter. Turns out you aren't even blood related. I know right? I was all excited too! It means I'm not related to a roach anymore. I was happy too so I came and got some food to calm me down and here we are."

A: -_- "That was neither humorous nor time consuming. Where'd he go, a-hole?"

*R smirks*

R: "To the bank, he was trying to see if you were refundable."

A: "How does that even . . . you know what? Never mind, douche."

*A rushes out of kitchen, R continues to eat*


*A sitting on top of staircase, Dad walks in 1 hour later, A rushes downstairs*

A: "Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad! I need 40 bucks pronto! Like it's an emergency, father! Hurry, rapido, ahora miso!"

*Dad confused*

D: "Que?"

A: "Daddy, please? I really need it. Mom is 'broke' and you're back from the bank so I know you have money and I need to buy me an outfit for tonight because I have somewhere to go and I can't go without something to where and there is absolutely nothing to wear in my wardrobe and I need clothes Dad! I NEED CLOTHES!"

*Dad stares @ her*

A: "Dad?"

D: "Yeah?"

A: "I need clothes."

D: "I need money."

A: "No seriously."

D: "I couldn't be any more serious"

A: "Dad . . ."

D: "Ari . . ."

*A puts her hand out waiting for money, Dad mimics her*

A: *nagging* "Daddy . . ."

D: *mimicking* "Ari . . ."

A: "Father!"

D: "Arielle!"

A: "Oh my god!"

D: "Send him my love."


D: "I give you my condolences."

A: "Ugh! You guys all need a life! I hate you all!" *storms off upstairs*

D: "That's what happens to people who have no job! You tend to go bankrupt, Sweetie!'

*A slams room door*

D: "No slamming doors! I LOVE YOU TOO!"

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