Blahh [Birthday Wish] 101

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Dedicated to my Grams Grams.

Grams, I call her Grandmi because she doesn't like the fact that Grandma or Abuela or Grandmother makes her sound old.

She's picky like that.

Today, September 13th, but 70 years ago [1942], my Gram was born. Now of course I was no where near being a thought yet alone in exsistance but still. That's my everything right there.

Many people aren't really gifted with the oppurtunity to have a grams like I do who is still around or even cares. But I have my grams. And not for nothing, I don't take her for granted because at the end of the day she is my all and she is my everything.

I thank God for beong good to me and giving me her because I honestly can say I wouldn't wish for anyone else as special as she is.

She is my one in a million :)

So even though you won't be on Wattpad and read this, I still want to say HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY GRAMS!!



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