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Loki slowly and cautiously unraveled himself from his protective stance over Felicity the aftermath of the explosion showing around them in a pile of rubble, ash, and small flames that grasped at anything even slightly flammable.

"Are you alright?" Loki asked his eyes scanning Felicity's face as his hand came up to cup her cheek she looked shaken her gaze nervously glancing around them and her body trembling from shock.

She took in a breath her eyes reluctantly refocusing on the only reason she survived, Loki.

He looked down at her and as she hesitantly brought her arm up to take his hand cupping her cheek he quickly backed up noticing the blue shade of skin covering his usually pale complexion his Jotun form was showing from the explosion fear, guilt, and shame made him stumble back his body and face turning away from her.

"Loki," Felicity managed out.

"Don't... I-"

"Loki," Felicity repeated with a sigh she was calmer now she had compartmentalized her swirling emotions packed them away, and stashed them in the back of her mind till she was ready to deal with the fact Ward had just tried to blow her up.

She knew he was a psychotic maniac who was capable of torturing her without remorse but his sudden change in behavior was confusing the hell out her. First, he's emotionless, then he looks hurt at her anger and distrust, he wants her to remember something that he obviously finds very important about their past and then he disappeared blowing the building she was standing in up. Nothing about what happened made any sense whatsoever and it was both annoying and unnerving.

"Loki," Felicity tried again stumbling over the rubble to grab the God's hand she could feel him stiffen and try to pull away but she wouldn't let him, "what's wrong?" concern covering her face as she tripped and quickly rebalanced herself as she finally came face to face with him again.

"Felicity..." Loki ground out trying to turn around again his skin was slowly fading from the deep blue ice color back to the pale white it was used to, but it wasn't happening quick enough for his liking, "don't look at me," he almost demanded in a hopeless tone that sounded more like a terrified whine than anything else.

"No," Felicity pulled Loki back around with a strength she wasn't sure was her own, "Loki, stop hiding yourself," her voice was soft and convincing, but it only managed to make him feel even more helpless and vulnerable a feeling he despised more than anything.

"Hey..." she gently touched his face softly running her two front fingers from his temple down to his cheek, Loki's gaze still cast downward, "I don't care what you look like... you're still you, Loki."

"W-What?" he looked up at her.

"I don't care what you look like, you'll always be Loki the God of Mischief, the Prince of Asgard it doesn't matter what shape, form, or color you are, you'll always be you... you need to stop hiding your true colors from everyone."

"What if my true colors are hideous?" Loki questioned a mixture of admiration and disbelief melding his tone.

"They're not," Felicity assured him a faint smile ghosting her lips, "you're not."

Loki visibly relaxed at her words his gaze easily keeping with hers now and his hands softening from clenched fists to open palms.

Felicity took a step to the side to try and find a way out of the destructive maze of burnt building, ash, and debris, but sudden dizziness stopped her, her legs felt weak, and her vision blackened for the third time in only a couple of hours.

Loki watched as Felicity slipped back into unconsciousness his arms rushing out to catch her from hitting the jarred ground something that was becoming almost second nature to him.

Felicity Stark **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now