New York

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Felicity finally arrived in New York, her home, she stood in front of Stark Tower, nerves running through her. This would be Felicity's first time home also the first time where she entered New York unnoticed. She took a cab, no one knew who she was it felt odd to say the least, sure Starling City was totally oblivious, but then again Felicity never considered Starling home like she did New York she grew up here being overcrowded with paparazzi and press it was natural and without them it felt nice but slightly unamusing for some reason. Felicity shook her head trying to clear those thoughts, she sounded like her dad who loved the fame and attention and that has and probably will never be her, but that didn't mean it wasn't once her normal.

 Felicity shook her head trying to clear those thoughts, she sounded like her dad who loved the fame and attention and that has and probably will never be her, but that didn't mean it wasn't once her normal

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"Do you have an appointment, miss?" the Receptionist asked not bothering to look up as she typed away.

"No actually, but Mr. Stark's expecting me" Felicity smiled, soon she could hug her dad and mom again she missed them so much, but what Felicity did she did for both her and her family.

"I'm sorry, but without an appointment, Mr. Stark won't be able to see you," the woman said clearly not caring one way or the other about Felicity or her job.

Normally Felicity would try to explain, get the woman to understand without exposing herself as Tony's kid, but right now she was exhausted from the flight and the last of her good mood was slipping pretty fast at the receptionist's attitude. Felicity glanced over at the two security guards at the entrance making sure both were watching the outside instead of the inside before grabbing her suitcase and quickly running into the elevator. The woman started yelling things like 'security' and 'who does she think she is' at Felicity, but right as the guards were about to grab her the elevator doors slid closed abnormally fast, she sighed in relief.

"Welcome home, Miss Felicity" Felicity grinned from ear to ear hearing the British computerized voice greet her.

"Hello, JARVIS I missed you buddy" she confessed watching the floor numbers race by.

"Thank you, I missed you too" JARVIS replied as the elevator stopped and opened its doors to reveal the home level of Stark Tower now known as the Avengers Tower though. "Tony is in the conference room finishing up a meeting with Pepper, should I tell them you've arrived?" JARVIS asked as Felicity exited the elevator setting her suitcase against the wall as she took in the new living quarters with a smile on her face.

"No, that's okay bud I wanna surprise them" Felicity chirped happily before wandering around the living room which quickly lead to the kitchen.

"As you wish Miss Felicity" JARVIS replied before leaving the Stark-Potts heir to herself.

Felicity found all the ingredients to her famous brownies recipe she was still exhausted from the trip, but she loved baking for her parents it was the best feeling not to mention no matter what class you fly in its still airplane food and it still sucked she needed something with a little more heart put into it and lots and lots of sugar.

Felicity Stark **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now