Pain and Visions

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Felicity rolled onto her side her thoughts a jumbled mess that refused to stop swirling around her head she hadn't slept since she passed out back at SHIELD her anxiety and nervousness becoming too much. What was she? What is she? And why hadn't she found out sooner or at least felt something different giving her subtle signs that she wasn't human, but no, nothing. Felicity sighed, today was the day of her combat course slash alien interrogation as Fury had put it and she was both terrified and curious as to what the outcome would be.

"Sweetheart?" Pepper called out from the door.

"Mom?" Felicity climbed out of bed stumbling over to the door where Pepper was already entering a soft smile appearing on her lips.

"I made your favorite" Pepper tauntingly held out a plate of cinnamon rolls which her daughter quickly snatched without hesitation, "okay, technically I didn't make them so much as order them off a Starbucks menu" Pepper confessed making Felicity chuckle.

"I choose to believe they were made with love from my mother, thank you" Felicity quipped earning her an uncontrollable laugh from Pepper.

The two sat on the bed in a comfortable silence as Felicity all but scoffed down her breakfast sweet treat before Pepper started to fiddle with the ends of her sweater she wanted to wrap Felicity up in bubble wrap and lock her away in the safest, furthest and deserted place she could find. Ever since Pepper officially adopted Felicity the genius would always be her little girl and damn if anyone thought they could hurt her but this particular situation was completely and utterly out of Pepper's control and she hated it.

"Mom, I'll be fine" Felicity reassured Pepper as soon as her gaze fell on her mother's obvious distress.

"What, how did you-"

"I am Tony Starks' daughter meaning I am hella perceptive while you are not so subtle and I know how much you hate not being in control, but I need to find out the truth and hopefully learn how to use it to catch Ward or get rid of it to keep HYDRA off my back and away from my family" Felicity stated her tone filled with confidence which even surprised herself she didn't know how or what she felt about everything but now it was clear she had one goal and one goal only which put a smile on her face.

"Oh, Lissy" Pepper cooed wrapping her arms around her daughter, "I'm sorry, I'm just worried and it's my job to keep you safe and I feel like I'm failing you" she confessed.

"Mom," Felicity pulled away from Pepper grabbing her hand reassuringly, "you would never fail me, none of you have ever failed me and I doubt you ever will" Pepper nodded knowing how lucky she was to have Felicity as a daughter, "this is my mess I trusted Ward, not you guys he deceived and betrayed me and as for me being some powerful being or God or whatever that's also on me and I'm going to figure out a way to deal with it" Felicity said her tone firm but soft.

"We'll figure it out, together" Pepper corrected her making Felicity break into a smile.


Felicity stood in the training room waiting patiently for Fury and her favorite twins to get down there and start with both the questions and the physical she was growing more anxious by the second, Sara stared at her friend she insisted on going with Felicity she didn't want the genius to be alone and she was just as curious as to what Felicity could be.

"This is so frustrating!" Felicity exclaimed hitting the punching bag in front of her she was getting aggravated.

"I know" Sara sighed walking up to her friend encouraging Felicity to continue punching her anger and frustration away.

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