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Felicity stood in the golden hallway of Asgard's palace it was beautiful and the warm colors made her feel safe and calm, Loki led them around pillars and upstairs he would point out something now and again like where he and Thor used to play and where they trained but before Felicity could properly take in her surroundings Loki was pulling her along again. He seemed so excited and content in his old home that Felicity didn't even bother protesting or arguing about his lack of tour guide skills.

"Loki" someone called from behind them, Loki immediately stopped as he recognized the voice a smile slowly made its way onto his face.

"Hello Mother" Loki greeted finally releasing Felicity for the first time since they entered the castle, Frigga smiled holding her arms out for a hug which Loki happily accepted.

Felicity took in the woman's appearance she was tall but not taller than Loki she had long blonde hair that was perfectly pinned up and she had the same soft blue eyes as Thor.

"It's so good to see you" Frigga whispered before she pulled away from Loki her gaze falling onto Felicity she was more than a little surprised to see someone willingly accompany her son. "And who might this be?" Frigga asked a gentle smile still in place as her eyes glanced from Loki back to Felicity.

"Uh hi, I'm Felicity it's nice to meet you" Felicity introduced herself she was nervously fidgeting with her bracelet she didn't know whether to curtsy or just hold her hand out to Frigga, did they even do handshakes, Felicity wondered before Frigga took a step forward grabbing both of Felicity's hands in her own.

"Felicity, this is my mother, Queen of Asgard, Frigga," Loki said noticing the blonde genius's discomfort she was nervous and shy.

"A pleasure to meet you, dear" Frigga smiled. "Loki's never brought anyone to the palace before you must be quite special" she noted glancing back at a now blushing Loki, he quickly shook it off with a shrug which calmed Felicity somewhat.

"Thank you?" Felicity said but it came out more like a question.

"Mother I was hoping for your help?" Loki asked before Frigga gestured to the room opposite them, Loki nodded walking over to the large golden door it instantly opened without even a touch revealing the most beautiful study and library Felicity had ever seen and just from one glance she was already in love with the room.

"What do you need help with my child?" Frigga asked as she sat down in her usual seat gesturing for Loki and Felicity to follow which they did without hesitation as Felicity took in the rest of the room in complete and utter awe.

"Felicity has been informed recently that she occupies magic and-"

"Can you tell me what I am?" Felicity asked cutting Loki off.

"Indeed" Frigga nodded before waving a hand through the air a tray of tea appeared hovering just above the table, "tea?" she asked.

"Uh..." Felicity glanced at Loki who seemed just as confused as her, why was his mother so calm about this she should at least ask questions or at the very least be hesitant about it.

"It's chamomile, dear" Frigga reassured Felicity handing her a small, white flower decorated cup, "it'll help with the nerves."

"How did you-"

"I sense your magic it feels distant yet strong which could indicate one of two things either there's a seal on your magic keeping it buried within you or it was kept dormant and only recently has it been reactivated" Frigga explained.

"So, I do have magic?" Felicity asked her head sank slightly in disappointment she was hoping what Ward had told her was just one big lie trying to shake her off his trail and that the feeling coursing through Felicity was merely exhaustion and extreme stress.

Felicity Stark **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now