Double Trouble

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2 Weeks Later

Felicity sat in front of her babies aka her computers typing away at the speed of light trying to find any information of the Slade Wilson aka Death Stroke he decided to pay Team Arrow a visit making both Island survivors Oliver and Sara look like rag dolls and two people who've never stepped foot inside a gym let alone the league of Assasins and not to mention Dig who didn't even get a fair shot in. Oliver went off to pout somewhere leaving a frustrated Dig and Sara behind until Sara decided to disappear giving the team no heads up or inclination to where she went while Dig silently read one of the case reports Lance left for Oliver and right now Felicity was just hoping for any kind of lead because if she was being honest this Slade guy was getting a tiny bit irritating with his surprise appearances.

"Anything?" Oliver asked coming back with half the arrows he left with getting questioning looks from Dig and Felicity, but the duo being as smart as they were decided against asking what the Arrow had been up to.

"Not since you left, but I have been running facial recognition and some other various things through my amazing new software program that I built by the way" Felicity stated with pride.

"We need to find him, he could be anywhere and doing anything" Oliver dropped his bow onto the metal table in anger.

"We will" Dig reassured. "It's just taking longer than expected," he told them with a heavy sigh throwing the case file back down in boredom.

Oliver knew Dig was right he needed to find Slade and they would, eventually. But that wasn't the only thing he needed answers to the thing between Felicity and Tony had been eating at him for some reason. Was he jealous? No, he had no reason to be him and Felicity were just friends and that's the way he planned on keeping it beside Sara's back and he wanted to see where that would lead especially after the thing with Laurel. 

An alarming sound interrupted Oliver's thoughts pulling him back into reality where Dig had left his seat to stand behind Felicity anxiously as she typed away before her expression changed to complete horror, Felicity looked a few shades paler like she had just seen a ghost. 

"Felicity, what is it?"Dig asked before Oliver even opened his mouth.

"No, no, this cannot be happening!" Felicity stared at her computer screen this was beyond bad this was almost impossibly the worst thing to ever happen right now.

"Fe-li-city?" Oliver sounded out each syllable of her name trying to get her attention.

"I, uh, I ran all the nearby security cameras' including the ones at Queen Consolidated for any trace of Slade" Felicity explained her voice an octave higher than usual making both men beside her slightly nervous for what she found.

"And?" Oliver asked impatiently he hated waiting especially for bad news that's inevitable.

"This is what I found, he's not working alone Oliver" Felicity stated her eyes nervously darted from the screen back to her boss.

"Who is that?" Dig asked.

"I have no idea, but he's gotta be pretty bad if he's involved with Slade, right? I mean no one would willingly work with Slade unless they benefited from it or were made to, maybe Slade works for him and-" Felicity rambled before Sara walked in the Foundry dying into complete silence.

"I need to go" Felicity announced a minute later not waiting for anyone's response as she grabbed her stuff before racing up the stairs out of sight.

"Did I do something?" Sara asked watching the door slam closed leaving Oliver and Dig concerned and curious, but most of all frustrated.

"No, something's up with Felicity" Oliver commented leaning over her desk to stare at the video footage that made his IT girl run for the hills.

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