Force of Will

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Felicity felt her feet hit the ground she stood in an open field in the middle of nowhere who would have thought the bridge to and from Asgard would be this isolated, she thought. Felicity took a step forward waiting for Loki to come down but an arm wrapped around her with force a blade slid just inches away from her throat she glanced up to see none other than Slade Wilson glaring down at her a malicious look covering his face.

"Well, well, well" Slade muttered. "We meet again Felicity Smoak, except this time there's no Oliver Queen in a green hoodie to come and save you" he taunted his breath hitting the back of her neck and making her skin crawl.

"You're right," Loki said from behind them, "but how about a God?" he asked before pointing his staff at Slade and hitting the assassin's chest a blue light shimmered out the tip until Slade's skin shone with veins that were a crystal blue color running up his body and settling in his eyes.

"Loki?" Felicity breathed out unsure of what to do.

"Release her!" Loki demanded.

Slade's arms immediately dropped to his sides his once angry brown eyes were now a distant, cold and hollow shade, Felicity slipped out of his grasp her gaze taking in Slade's new obedient and shell-like appearance before she ran into Loki's comforting embrace.

"Shhh, it's alright darling" Loki whispered.

"I see you've taken control of my lapdog" a voice called out making the pair twist around, Felicity's breath got caught in her throat while Loki glared at the man his arms tightening protectively around Felicity.

"Not a very clever lapdog, mind you," Loki remarked.

"No, but he makes one hell of a distraction don't you think?" Ward asked with a malicious smile his gaze dropping to Felicity where his features soften, "Violet Reaper, long time" he breathed out with an almost genuine smile before his face hardened again.

"What do you want, Ward?" Felicity managed to get out through her inner trembles of fear.

"What do you want, Ward?" Felicity managed to get out through her inner trembles of fear

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"Always straight to the point, that's my girl" Ward praised with a soft chuckle.

"I'm not your girl not anymore" Felicity glared at the agent with hatred, "you made sure of that when you chose HYDRA over your family," she said.

"Yes, well let's just say I made the right choice and I'd do it again and again" Ward reassured the blonde making her heart sink he was hopeless he had no remorse and Felicity had to remember that she just had to.

"What do you want?" Loki cut in.

"From you?" Ward asked, "nothing at all" he shook his head, "from her, well that's a different story" he smiled.

"I will not allow you to touch her" Loki stated anger boiling through him at the mere presence of the human that had hurt Felicity more times than she'd care to admit.

Felicity Stark **Discontinued**Where stories live. Discover now