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If only life could be so simple, if only one could have absolute control over most of what goes on in our lives, but alas it is not so.

If only I could see the future I'd know what steps to follow, who to trust, who not to...

When morning came, so did the three consecutive knocks on my bedroom door. Without a doubt, it was Haruna, he begged for me to hear him out, for a chance to apologise.

I knew it was wrong of me not to grant him an audience when he was remorseful and intended to apologise, but I was too much of a coward to gather the guts to face him.

No, not a coward but the thought of being close to him was unnerving to say the least.

He eventually relented when he received no response and left. I waited for an hour just to be sure he'd left the house before stepping out of my bedroom.

I made it my number one mission to avoid him, so to do so I knew I had to leave the house for as long as I could and eventually sneak back in or be cooped up in my bedroom all day long, either way, it works.

I didn't know for how long I'd have to keep up with it, but until
I grew a set of balls to face him, it would have to do.

Just as I crept down the stairs and was headed to the front door, a voice stopped me.

"Madam, good morning o", I turned to face Linda, the maid. She was clad in a checkered blue and white apron with a very funny looking chef hat, bent in an awkward position on her head. She was dark and very curvy, I learned she only came in the morning then leaves in the evening after finishing all her duties

"Good morning", my lips thinned into a forced smile.

"Madam abeg you dey comot?", She asked in her Warri accent with furrowed brows. I looked down at my purse and realized she'd figured I was going out, she'd probably inform Haruna if he calls which I knew he would
[Translate: Madam please are you going out?]

"Yes", I replied.

"Erm madam, I just dish your food, you no go eat before going?", she wringed her fingers.
[Translate: I just served your food, aren't you going to eat before leaving?]

"No, don't worry, I have to go now", she nodded and I turned to leave.

Just as I crossed the threshold, I found Geoffrey by the door standing motionless with his hands joined below his abdomen. He was wearing casual clothings and I wondered why. When he noticed my presence, he gave a subtle nod which I acknowledged.

I started towards the gate with the intention of finding a taxi to which ever place I'd go.

I hadn't decided yet...

I felt a presence behind and I whipped my head around to find Geoffrey a little distance away behind me. I hadn't even heard his footfalls, it was a mystery how a man with such a bulky frame walked so soundlessly.

"Why are you following me?", I raised a skeptical brow, although I already knew what his answer would be.

"I'm here for your security, Madam", he replied curtly.

"Uh I know, but I won't be out long so I'm sure it would be useless to come along", I chuckled trying to lighten the mood but his face remained impassive.

"That's not a problem Madam, it's my job", I sighed. I knew his resilience wasn't going to be dented but it was worth a shot.

"I'll get a taxi then", I sighed yet again, feigning a dejected expression, hoping he'd let me go out alone.

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