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I'd stared at the ring on my finger and waited to see if I would wake up in my bed back home in Calabar and realize that it was only a scary nightmare.

But who was I kidding...

I pulled the ring off my finger and discarded it, I glared at the piece of jewelry on the nightstand.

If I was going to marry the man, I could as well dig up a little bit of information about him. With that thought in mind, I unlocked my phone and clicked on web search, I typed in his full name and immediately several articles came up.

Apparently, he was twenty nine, the scion of a wealthy family. He had been running his grandfather's company since he was twenty four, while his grandfather retired. His parents had died earlier in his life so he was practically raised by his grandfather.


His grandfather's company was the chart topper in the agricultural sector, they exported cocoa, maize, groundnuts, you name it. They earned billions of naira annually, if not more. They also owned shipping companies too and much more.

Why would a man that filthy rich want to do business with my father, there were others in the sector far better than dad, so why him?.

It didn't add up...

What I noticed was that, the man never had a public affair, he kept the media guessing who he was with. There were pictures of him with models and popular actresses in social events and whatnot, but it was vague on their relationship status.

A knock on the door had me snapping my head in the direction, I stood up from the sofa and walked to the door. Unlocking it, I pulled it open to see a young woman standing there, she looked to be around my age, if not older.

Her dark smooth skin a striking contrast to the crisp white top she wore, paired with a black pencil skirt and black pumps.

"Good day Ms. Sifon, my name is Simbi Adegoke, Mr. Ishaya's P.A", she spoke professionally and I nodded.

"Hi", was my reply and subconsciously my grip tightened on the door knob.

"I'm here to assist you in shopping for your wedding necessities", she spoke matter-of-factly.

He'd mentioned previously that his P.A would come to take me shopping, so it didn't surprise me much, I just had to inform dad of my whereabout lest he did something to the people I loved.

"I'll be with you shortly", she nodded at that and I shut the door. Walking further into my room, I looked around for my wallet. I didn't feel like changing my outfit so I stuck my t-shirt and jeans and only pulled on a pair of black Crocs, grabbing my purse and phone I left my room, we walked side by side towards the elevator.

She pressed the call button for the elevator and we stood waiting, meanwhile, I texted dad just as the elevator dinged and opened, we stepped in and she pressed the lobby button. My phone chimed a minute later, he'd texted back saying I shouldn't do something stupid or else.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone into my purse, my gaze flitted to the woman beside me, her eyes were glued to the elevator doors. I averted my gaze just as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

We walked past the lobby and reception area toward the exit, she directed me to a sleek black car at the parking lot. A middle aged man clad in a white dress shirt and black trousers, stood with his hands clasped together in front of him beside the car.

As we approached him, he inclined his head at me and pulled the passenger door open. I thanked him and climbed in with Simbi in tow.

We drove through the Lagos noon traffic for a while till we eventually pulled into a large parking lot, I unlocked the door and stepped down. I found Simbi's gaze and she had a frown on her face, I arched a brow in question.

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