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Tears blurred my vision and I covered my mouth to contain the sobs that were threatening to burst through. I hadn't been paying attention to where I was going, I just knew I had to get far away from Damini, for his sake.

I bumped into someone again, I staggered and looked into the eyes of Haruna. He tilted his head and accessed my appearance, I cleared my throat and sniffled, trying really hard to keep my emotions at bay.

"What took you so long?", he demanded with a scowl marring his features.

"Nothing I-", I stopped talking when I noticed his eyes were trained on something behind me. Slowly, I turned see Damini behind me with a stoic expression when he looked between us. I heard Haruna scoff and I whipped my head around to look at him, his jaw was clenched so tightly with his fist balled.

Oh no

"It-it's not what you think", he ignored me and grabbed my wrist in a vice like grip, pulling me away.

"Hey, let go of me, you're hurting me", I protested, trying to free my hand all to no avail.

He pulled me along till we were in the parking lot, we reached the car and he snatched the car keys out the driver's hand, telling him to find his way home. He all but threw me into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut.

I massaged my sore wrist and watched as his hands clenched and unclenched around the steering wheel. He looked livid, out of fear, I didn't dare utter a single word as I watched him drive with so much speed.

When he parked the car in front of the house, he swiftly got out and I was left to unbuckle my seat belt, but he was already pulling the door open and yanking me out. I stumbled but he didn't care, he continued dragging me by my wrist into the house and slammed the front door shut, locking it.

"Haruna", I gave him a pleading look but he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Not another word, get out of my sight!", I flinched at his harsh tone and scurried up the stairs to my room.

A few minutes later, I paced the length of my room, gripping my hair out of sheer frustration. I needed to make him understand or else he'd call Dad and tell him about this, then only God knows what he'd do to Damini, I couldn't let that happen.

Wait a minute...

What if he hadn't actually witnessed what ensued between Damini and I, but only saw a man coming from the same direction as me.

It was unlikely, but there may be a possibility that he doesn't know.

That meant I had a chance, relief flooded me, quickly I freshened up and changed into a light beige coloured nightie and slipped a covering on, walking out of my room. There was only a ten percent chance of Haruna being out of his bedroom or home office at that hour, so I didn't worry about running into him on my way to the kitchen.

I planned to deal with him the following morning.

Just as I walked into the kitchen, I paused when I saw him slouched over the kitchen island with a bottle of whiskey by his side.

He was drinking?, but why?...

"Haruna", I called moving closer and placing my hand hesitantly on his left shoulder. He whipped his head around to face me and I gasped when I saw his blood shot eyes, he was still clad in his suit but his tie and jacket was missing and he had a few buttons undone in his pristine white shirt.

"Uhm about t-the party, I can explain", I wringed my fingers nervously, glancing at him with the corner of my eyes. His face was devoid of emotion until he chuckled surly and gulped his whiskey in one go, swiftly slamming the glass down on the marble kitchen island, smashing it. I flinched.

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