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I always thought humans were cruel, that I couldn't trust anyone but my grandmother, not even Damini. Turns out I was right.


"S-Sifon, what are you doing here?", he swallowed thickly, his Adams apple bobbing up and down. My stepmom appeared by his side then, she gasped when she saw me but then covered it up with a smug grin.

I ground my teeth in anger, I wanted to slap that smugness off of her face but I couldn't, I wasn't raised to raise my hands on an older person, but that didn't mean I wouldn't if she pushed me.

I turned my attention back to my dad, completely disregarding her.

"Why?", I'd whispered

"I-i", he stammered and she scowled.

"You promised not to let me down, again", my voice was thick with emotion.

"Promises are meant to be broken", he was avoiding eye contact with me whilst saying it indifferently.

"That's all you've got to say?", I seethed.

"What do you want him to say, can't you do this for your fa-", my blood boiled as she said that.

"Shut up!", I pointed my index finger at her accusingly.

"Don't you dare utter another word, I wasn't speaking to you". I turned to my dad.

"You don't speak to your mother that way-", he reprimanded and I scoffed.

"Save it", with that I stormed out of their presence.

Flashback end.

I slammed my bedroom door shut. I slid down the door and sat on the floor, that was when I let the tears I'd been holding fall.

How could he, wasn't I supposed to be his daughter?...

I furiously wiped at my wet cheeks, it was no time to wallow in self pity, what's done is done. I searched the bed for my phone, when I found it, I shakily unlocked it, I dialed a number and put the phone on my left ear.

It rang once, twice, on the third ring, my phone was snatched from my grasp, I whipped my body around to face my dad. He ended the call and faced me with an arched brow.

"What were you doing?", I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Give it back", I gritted my teeth in anger.

"You have no say in this, you'll marry him", he turned to leave but I stopped him.

"I. said. give. it. back.", I grounded every monosyllable out.

"You'll have it when you get back to your senses", I scoffed.

The nerve of him...

"You're scared I'll call granny and that neither you or your wife will be able to handle her wrath?", I taunted.

He chuckled darkly, his eyes twinkling with wicked mischief.

"Go ahead, call her", he held out the phone for me to take and I gave him a skeptical look but took it anyway.

He moved closer, barely inches away and lowered his head so he'd be in eye level with me.

"The only downside to it is that, the next time you'll be seeing her will be in a casket", I gasped and staggered backwards out of shock. He chuckled at my reaction.

"You wouldn't", I countered staring him in the eyes.

"Oh I can and I will if you don't do as I say and get her involved", he said, with a smile on his face.

Where did this sudden confidence come from?...

He sauntered out of my bedroom, slamming the door shut, then I heard a click sound.

Did he just...

I moved quickly to the door, gripping the knob, I turned it but the door didn't budge, he locked me in.

As the realization set in, I violently jiggled the knob and repeatedly hit the door, screaming and demanding to be let out. At some point my voice became hoarse and I had no energy left. I dejectedly walked towards my bed and sat down.

There was only one person left to turn to. Damini.

I swiftly dialed his number, he answered the call on the second ring and I explained everything dad was planning to do, to him. I told him I needed help and made him promise not to tell granny anything yet. He assured me that he'd get in touch with a few people and I'd be leaving Uyo the next day.

I may not have trusted Damini, it was my flaw, but hoped and prayed that he'd do as he said.

Morning came fairly quickly the next day, I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep because of anxiousness.

I walked into the en suite bathroom and did my usual morning routine, after getting dressed, I sat on the bed waiting.

For what?, you might ask...

For anything, a commotion, voices, anything. It was awfully quiet.

Just then I heard light footsteps approaching, the lock turned and I stood immediately. The door was pushed open only a fraction and a maid peered through. When our eyes met, she was startled for a second but recovered quickly. Dropping a tray unto the vanity she shut the door and locked it before I could barely get a word out.

I sighed and walked towards the vanity and surely a bowl of oats sat on the tray with a glass of water.

Seriously?, Oats?...

Hours later, I lay on my bed staring at nothing in particular when dad barged into the room fuming, you could as well say steam was practically oozing out of his ears. I reluctantly sat up throwing him the what now face.

"You think you and your little boyfriend can make even a dent in my plans?", he chuckled darkly.

"I have people in places Sifon, with so much as a phone call, I could get his license terminated", I stood immediately.

"No-", he cut me off.

"We all know a doctor without a license is worthless".

"But trust me, I won't stop there". I could hear my heart pounding so loudly in my ear, to what extent would he go to just to get what he wanted?.

"Please, don't", my eyes were down casted out of shame. He stared at me for a moment and shook his head. I felt degraded, humiliated even.

"Get yourself together, you're going to see your future husband tomorrow", my eyes snapped up to meet his but he was already leaving, he stopped midway and turned to me.

"What about my youth service program?, I registered and I intend to be a part of it", I lost my cool then.

"That is not happening, at least not this year", he mumbled the last part to himself but I heard it.

"You can't do this", I whispered.

"I can",
"Oh and don't forget to call him up and end your so called relationship". He slammed the door and locked it on his way out.

A lone tear slithered down my cheek, my legs gave out and I came crashing down hard on the floor.

I'm so sorry Damini, if I weren't so foolish and weak all this wouldn't have happened.

Forgive me...


I qualified for round one of the ONC 2021 contest y'all, thank you so much for the support... 💜

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