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I chuckled nervously switching my gaze between Granny and Dad.

He was joking wasn't he?

Judging by the questioning look etched on his face, I figured that he wasn't, he was serious. I quickly cleared my throat awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably on my seat.

“So, what do you say?”, He leaned forward on his seat opposite mine and threw me a hopeful look.

“Uh dad, I don't think that's a good idea, but thanks for the offer”. I forced a smile on my face as I watched him. He wore a disappointed look that almost made me feel bad for turning him down.


He didn't actually expect me to just pack my bags and be eager to go back to Uyo with him, did he. I mentally scoffed at that, attempting to resist the temptation of an eye roll at his assumptions.

Granny's eyes were narrowed disapprovingly at me as if I had committed the most heinous crime known to man. She cleared her throat and stood up, pushing the chair she previously occupied backwards.

“Excuse us, Charles”, She smiled sweetly at dad and motioned for me to follow her out of the dining room. Once we were out of earshot, she turned to me with a raised brow.

“What was that?", She asked in Igbo, her hands were akimbo as she tried to pry the answer to her question out of me.

I just shrugged.

“You didn't think I'd agree to go with him did you?”.

“As a matter of fact, I did”, she replied.

“Granny”, I groaned.

“I– i can't just leave you, and besides I'm not ready to go back to that house”. I folded my arms below my chest and looked away.

Granny sighed and moved closer, placing her hand on my left cheek and gently moving my face so I'd look at her.

Adanne, I'm sure it won't be so bad, it will be just for a few days, at least until after you're redeployed”. She reasoned calmly.

“For me?”, She gave me a hopeful look and I shook my head at her theatrics. She was outright blackmailing me knowing I couldn't dare to refuse her.

There was nothing to think about. I really didn't want to go back to Uyo, at least not with him. I just didn't know why granny kept on insisting that I go with him.

I didn't want to be selfish, she wanted peace, that I understood very well, but at my own expense?.

Gosh, what we do for family...

“Fine, I'll go with him”, with a defeated sigh I watched as she beamed at me.

“That's wonderful, come on let's go back to your father”, she practically dragged my non-enthusiastic self toward the dining room.

When we got there, granny disclosed the good news to dad. He was happy and said that a week after that day we'd be leaving for Uyo. Apparently he would have preferred us to travel sooner but unfortunately he had business that needed to be done before leaving.

Either way it worked for me, he could even take a month, I wouldn't mind.

Dinner went smoothly after that and thankfully it ended sooner. I bid him farewell and granny walked him to the door. Meanwhile, I was left to clear the used dishes and wash them.

Once everything was in order I informed granny that I'd be turning in early for the night. She didn't stop me, maybe because she knew I was mentally drained.

. . . .

The steady stream of  warm water from the shower head hit my naked back, loosening my tensed muscle. I sighed in relief as I threw my head back and the water hit my face, creating a pitter patter sound when it hit my shower cap.

Taking warm showers was total bliss.

I stretched my hands and placed them on the tiled wall in front of me, relishing in the feeling of warm water cascading down my naked body for a minute more.

I walked out of the bathroom with a white fluffy towel wrapped tightly around my chest. I almost ran into granny just as I turned to go. She was headed for the bathroom too.

“Good morning ma”, I greeted.

“Morning Adanne”, she replied.

“You're up early, what's the occasion”, she teased, chuckling softly at my expression.

Ah ah granny must I have a reason to be up early”, she gave me pointed look as if saying; yes, yes you do.

“Fine, I'm spending the day with Damini”,

“You know me too well”, I mumbled and she smiled wryly.

“Ah Damini, I haven't seen him in a while”, she said.

“Oh yeah, he had this Doctor's convention thing in Port Harcourt, but he's back now”, I smiled at the thought of seeing him again after a while.

“Alright, my regards to him”.

“Okay granny, I'll prepare breakfast before leaving”. She nodded and headed to the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, I was in the kitchen making a light meal of boiled yam and egg sauce. After cooking, I set up the table and plated the food for granny and I, before going to call her.

By the time I got dressed and went back to dinning room, she was halfway through her meal. We ate in silence and in twenty minutes I was getting ready to leave. Since it was Granny's day off she would be alone all day so I made sure that her lunch was available. She would only have to heat it up.

With everything set, I bid granny goodbye and left home.

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