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Gentle long fingers threaded through the long braids of my hair. It caressed my brows, my cheeks, then I felt soft warm lips press briefly on my forehead.

My eyes flew open when I felt cold from the loss of contact. I looked into dark brown eyes then at the small smile on his luscious lips.

"Hey", he whispered softly. His fingers continued to thread through my braids as I laid my head on his laps. My legs were stretched out on the sofa while he sat behind me, his right arm rested on the back of the sofa and his left hand was in my hair.

I yawned, smiling softly at Damini.

"How long was I asleep for?", I asked, not making an effort to move from my position.

That was how comfortable it was.

He shrugged and relaxed his back on the sofa, picking up the remote control from the arm rest, he said;

"Not long, probably for twenty minutes".

He turned off the TV and placed the remote control on the glass centre table.

"Uhm Damini?", I called softly, raising my hand so I could play with his short beard.


"I'm going to Uyo with my dad next week", I sighed softly at my own reality and dropped my hand on my stomach.

He sat up immediately looking serious.

"Your dad?, since when?", he knew dad had been an absentee parent.

"He apologised", I rubbed my palm on my eyes for a moment before I looked at him. His thick brow was raised in question and I shrugged.

"So now he wants you to go with him?".

"Yes, I'll only be away for a week", I replied and he nodded, looking away.

"But why does he want you to go with him to Uyo", he looked deep in thoughts.

"I guess he wants us to bond", I frowned at my own words, it didn't sound right.

"Really?", he didn't seem convinced too.

"Ehn there's only one way to find out", he nodded and smiled at me.

"I trust you", I chuckled softly at that.

I sat up and hugged him, his arms snaked around my waist and pulled me on to his laps with my legs on either side of him, holding me as though I'd disappear and never come back.

I melted into his embrace, burying my nostrils on his shoulder and inhaling deeply, he smelled of musk and a hint of mint. I smiled as I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"I'll miss you", I murmured and he gave a small smile.

His thumb caressed the skin under my right eye and moved to the nape of my neck, slowly pulling me closer.

Our lips met, he kissed me so passionately I thought my heart would drop to my stomach.

When we pulled apart I was panting and he joined our foreheads. Looking deeply into my eyes as I did his. My fingers moved from the nape of his neck to the hair at the back of his head, caressing it softly.

"That means you'll have to spend the entire week with me", he offered and I laughed.

"You know I can't, granny would be all alone", he nodded at that.

"We'll make plans then"

"Yes, let's do that", I agreed.
"I love you", he smiled at that and replied haughtily.

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