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The tension in the car was palpable, I'd throw glances at the rearview mirror to see if the twins were comfortable and every time I did, they were asleep.

My eyes would often drift towards the driver's side and linger on Haruna who had his left elbow on the window, with his fingers massaging his temple and his right hand on the steering wheel, eyes never straying from the road.

I needed to say something, anything, but it was as if the words had been stuck in my throat, I couldn't understand my emotions around him anymore, was it guilt for leaving him?, It couldn't be, it was part of the plan, but why did it feel so wrong?.

. . . .



I heard a voice whisper my name, I strained my ears to listen closely but I heard nothing.

I felt a feather like touch on my skin, then soft incoherent words being spoken.

Love, wake up...

. . . .

My eyes snapped open, my breathing laboured, I looked around trying to recollect my environment only to realize I was still in the car.

"Hey, relax", Haruna says, his hand moving to caress my thighs, a soft reassuring smile gracing his lips.

I heaved out a shaky breath, my eyes following the movements of his fingers on my bare thigh, somehow the feeling of him touching me made my heart throw a somersault if that was even possible.

He cleared his throat and retracted his hands, his eyes darting everywhere else but mine.

"We're here", It was then I realized we were parked outside Granny's house.

I was supposed to give him the directions to our address but I guess the cars satellite navigation did the job.

"Oh", unlocking the car door, I stepped out stretching my sore limbs, I pulled open the back door and gently tapped Noah awake, smiling when our eyes met.

"We're here", I whispered and unbuckled his seat belt helping him out of the car. His curious eyes roamed the entirety of the property, a grin spreading on his lips when his eyes caught the sight of the swing in the corner of the yard.

Naomi stepped out then, yawning and clinging to my side, I caressed her cheek and took her left hand in mine, leading us to the front door. I paused, hand in mid air, I turned to look at Haruna who was a few feet behind me with our luggages propped by his side.

He gave me a reassuring smile and a nod, somehow that small gesture gave me a boost of courage to ring the doorbell.

I didn't understand why I turned to look at him, was I asking for permission or am I beginning to rely on him for the littlest of things as ringing a goddamn doorbell!.

Half a minute later, the door was unlocked and my eyes locked with Granny, she blinked once, then twice, her eyes widened a fraction as though I was just a figment of her imagination.

She pulled me into a tight embrace, a content sigh leaving her when she rubbed my back.

"It's really you", she whispered over my shoulder.

"I- I'm so sorry granny", I choked on a sob.

She pulled back and her eyes roamed my teary face, a sad smile graced her lips when she wiped the tears.

"It's alright", she whispered before her eyes looked down at the twins then at Haruna who was still behind me.

"Granny, this is Noah and Naomi", I pointed to the twins and Naomi buried her face deeper into my side.

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