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It's been ten years since I lost my mom to Leukemia. I had been twelve years old then. A year later, my dad remarried without asking if I was okay with it.

It was obvious that he didn't care about my opinion. My stepmom Stella, was so good to me during the first few months of her marriage to my dad.

Momentarily, she made me forget the pain I felt after the death of my mom.

After a while she changed. I couldn't comprehend what I had done to deserve such hatred from her. Even the mere sight of me disgusted her, so she did the one thing I could never forget and that was the last straw.

She convinced my dad that I should attend a boarding school, that it would be good for me. Apparently because I wasn't coping well in my school.

My dad complied despite my attempts of pleading that I didn't want to go. I was later enrolled into a boarding school that was very far away from home.

During the first two holidays, my dad would personally come pick me up and take me home but that also changed.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. Other parents came by that day smiling and taking their children home with them.

I waited for hours but my dad never showed up and that was when my house mistress, a woman in her early forties came to me and informed me that my dad had personally asked her to take me.

I was so naïve. I thought my dad cared and he would come by to pick me up later because he was busy. Boy was I wrong.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into two months. The summer holiday was finally over. Although my house mistress treated me like her own child I still felt devastated for being deserted by my own father.

From then on, I would always spend my holiday in the care of Ms. Faith Ajiri, my house mistress. She was unmarried, and thus childless.

My stepmom with the help of my dad, made sure that I had no means of communication, which meant no computers or cell phones.

My belief was that he feared of my granny ever learning that I was enrolled in a boarding school. Undoubtedly, if she ever got whiff of it she'd strongly oppose the idea.

Time flew rather slowly, after two years I was in the sophomore year of senior high, which meant I was almost done with my secondary education.

As usual I was in the apartment of Ms. Faith on a holiday. That day she'd been in a hurry to go somewhere and I was asked to clean her bedroom which usually never happens before.

On my dad's order, she kept any form of communication device out of my reach. Her computer and telephone were always locked away in her bedroom.

Maybe it was because she forgot about my dad's instructions or she trusted me not to use any of the devices, but I still couldn't quite figure out why I was asked to clean her bedroom.

Nevertheless, I did as I was asked but not before using the telephone to call my granny and inform her about my location. She assured me that she would be there by the next day to take me away.

I had never been more happier and thankful for that news. I yearned to be free and soar above the clouds like an Eagle. Who knew knowing granny's number by heart would come in handy someday.

Smiling contently at my achievement I patiently waited for her arrival.

When Ms. Faith came home that day, she couldn't stop giving me weird glances every now and then. Maybe she was suspicious because I couldn't stop grinning like a cheshire cat but I couldn't care less. I was overjoyed that my granny was finally coming for me.

That night, I slept with a smile on my face.

. . . .

A loud pounding at the front door woke me from my deep slumber. Groggily, I opened my eyes with a deep scowl on my face.

Seconds later, I shot up from my bed, racing out of my room to the front door. I was almost sure that granny was at the door but to my utmost disappointment, Ms. Faith was already at the door and had just finished unlocking it.

A knowing smirk formed on my lips as she pulled the door open. Granny stood on the other side of the doorway, eyes blazing with unconcealed fury.

She was clad in her usual Ankara outfit consisting of a flair skirt, blouse and matching head tie.

“Where is my granddaughter!”, she seethed.

I felt Ms. Faith cower back in fear as realization dawned on her. She couldn't form a sentence and her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. She turned her head to me and granny followed her gaze to meet mine. Immediately, her eyes softened. Quickly, I lurched myself at her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

Gently she soothed my back before pulling away. She held my chin as her eyes accessed my appearance, probably looking for any sort of injury. Finding none, she heaved a sigh of relief.

“I'm sorry for not coming sooner my dear”. She said softly to which I shook my head.

“Don't apologize granny, it's okay”. She gave me a weak smile in return.

“Come my dear, there's no time to waste, we should leave now”. I quickly nodded and turned to walk back into the apartment when she drew me back.

“There's no time to pack Adanne”. She said.

“I already did, just a few important stuff”. She smiled at that and I turned to go get my duffel bag which I kept under my bed the previous night.

Walking out, Ms. Faith stood in my way. I gave her a questioning stare but she just pulled me in for a tight hug.

Pulling away, she sniffled and I furrowed my brows. I was totally confused because it felt awkward. Shouldn't she be trying to stop me from leaving?.

“I'm sorry Sifon”. She sniffled again while wiping her nostrils with the back of her hand.

“Forgive me for keeping you here against your wish. It was selfish of me to do to that”.

Yeah, she had a choice to reject my dad's offer, but then again, who could?...

“Please find a place in your heart to forgive me”. She pleaded again sincerely.

I sighed heavily and gave her a light hug.

“I forgive you Ms. Faith” I said in a whisper.

“Thank you my dear”, she gave me a half smile which I returned.

“You should go”, she said sadly.

“Yes. Goodbye”, I bid walking away.

It wasn't all her fault. My dad and stepmom were the brain behind all this. They were to blame, not her.

. . . .

I met granny outside the apartment building waiting by an SUV. I raised a brow but she just shrugged it off and ushered me into the passenger seat of the car.

I didn't know granny owned a car and a driver too. I guessed that a lot of things could change within a span of two years.

As the driver drove out of the premises of the apartment building, I couldn't help but sigh in relief. Instinctively, I snuggled into the warmth of my granny who in turn wrapped an arm around me cocooning me in her homely warmth.

“You're safe now”. That was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep in the protective embrace of my granny...

Indeed I was...

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