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Ever experienced that distinctive feeling when something is happening, but you still can't wrap it around your head that it actually is.

When I was younger, I always thought about my wedding. It wouldn't be too big nor too small but it would be perfect, a dream come true.

I never in a million years pictured myself getting married to a man that was more or less a stranger to me.

But not all dreams come true. At least not mine...

The few minutes I spent in the court signing over my death warrant, AKA my wedding certificate, I'd felt numb, just like a robot programmed to do all my father's bidding.

Even when I was alone, the tears refused to fall, I wanted to roll on the floor bawling my eyes out but still, there was nothing. In my husband's house on the rooftop, I stood staring at nothing, my mind racing with a million unanswered questions.

The vibration of my phone in my hands shook me out of my semiconscious state. I checked the caller ID and found that it was granny. Truth was, I hadn't been taking both her calls and that of Damini's, guilt had been tearing through me ever since my encounter with him, I didn't have the courage, I'd always been a coward. Although I'd prefer he hated me than have my father ruin his life because of me.


"Adanne, how are you, why haven't you been taking my calls", a tear slipped down my cheeks, there I was, trying to avoid her but she was still worried about my health.

I didn't deserve her... Or Damini...

"Uhm good afternoon, granny", I sniffled and coughed to clear my hoarse voice.

"I'm fine, I-I've just been busy with the wedding preparations",

"I'm sorry, I should have called".

"How are you?", I rambled and quickly dried my tears with the sleeve of my dress.

"Wedding preparations?", she deadpanned.

"I'm married now, granny", my voice was barely above a whisper.


"When did you meet this man!".

"Isn't it too soon?".

"What kind of marriage did you have that I am just finding out now?", she admonished.

"Ehn!, Answer me!".

"Look granny, I love him and that's what matters, I don't want you getting involved", I hated myself for raising my voice on the woman that had been my protector, but I reminded myself that it was for her, it still didn't take an ounce of the guilt away.

"Are you under some kind of spell, even your father supports this ridiculous decision of yours", she sighed.

"Adanne please tell me what is really going on, talk to me my dear", she pleaded in a vulnerable tone, my heart squeezed in remorse and I choked on a sob.

"Granny, it's nothing I promise. I'll come see you as soon as I can", she only sighed and mumbled an alright.

"I'll ask Dad to help employ someone that would help take care of you", concern for her laced my tone.

"Oh no, I can manage", she tried to decline.

"It's not up for discussion granny", the thought that there would be someone taking care of her in my stead brought temporary relief to me.

"Fine, take care of yourself ïnu", she spoke in that tender motherly voice I'd missed so much and I nodded.
[Translate: You hear me]

"I will granny, don't stress too much o", she chuckled and affirmed.

The call ended sooner than I would have liked it to, I wanted to tell her everything but I couldn't, never.

I stared at the expensive silver wedding band wrapped around my finger. I felt like yanking it off and tossing it very far away, where I'd never see it and be reminded I was tied down, for how long?, I had no idea.

Maybe if I was dead, it would get better...

I stared at the distance between the terrace and the ground. I'd surely be dead if I jumped, but was that the best solution?. Granny would be unhappy for the rest of her days, knowing her, she may blame herself.


He'd be devastated, I didn't want that for him, I wanted him to be happy, the way he'd made me feel. I realized then that it was a battle I'd have to fight and I wasn't going to settle for less, but I knew I wouldn't be alone, I was never alone. I'd make my father rue the day he thought of giving his daughter out, for business.

All this was taking a toll on my mental health, I needed someone to confide in, but who?

A hand on my shoulder had me jolting backwards to see Simbi. She had a sheepish expression on her face.

"I'm sorry I scared you Ms. Sifon", I only nodded and waved it off.

"What are you doing here?, Aren't supposed to be at the office with Haruna?", we walked side by side, leaving the terrace and going down to the kitchen where I found a bottle of water and took long a swig from it.

Haruna and dad were supposed to be at the office getting the merger contracts signed.

"Yes but Mr. Ishaya asked me to inform you that you'd be leaving for Lafia in less than...", she checked her watch and smiled

"Two hours"

"Your luggage is already packed, I'll have it placed in the trunk of the car".

"Wait, my clothes?, how?", I stared at her with a raised brow, I didn't remember bringing my things over.

"Oh I personally shopped for all of the outfits, accessories and whatnot stocked in your closet", she informed me with a brimming smile, looking proud of her little accomplishment and my frown deepened. She furrowed her brows as she saw my expression turn sour.

"I-i thought sir told you already", she stuttered breaking into a cold sweat and I sighed moving closer to her and holding on to her shoulders, chuckling.

"Babe, relax it's not your fault", she nodded and smiled at me.

"He should have asked for permission before buying so much", I sighed and headed up the stairs with Simbi by my side guiding me to my bedroom.

She left me at the door to get ready and informed me she'd be waiting downstairs. Just as I'd expected, I found the closet filled with all kinds of designer clothing, killer heels, jewelries and many other things I could only dream of owning. I picked a simple flowery sundress and flats, had a shower and got dressed.

The next few minutes was spent in the car on our way to the airport, Simbi wasn't coming to Lafia, she was only required to send his paperwork through emails and reschedule meetings until we were back in Lagos.

The car pulled up to a spacious tarmac runway. It was empty save for the jet a little distance away. Simbi escorted me together with the chauffeur who pulled my luggage with him despite my protests. As we approached the aircraft, a stewardess helped me up the stairs and into the jet while Simbi waved at me.

She led me inside and I marvelled at the interior, I had never been on a private jet, it was surreal that my husband actually owned one. It had cushioned seats and a mixture of brown and cream.

"Welcome aboard, wife"...

Hey y'all, I qualified for round two of the ONC contest!😊 Thank you all for the support

P.S: Double update, read on...

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