We're Getting Married-Jiper and Percabeth

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This isn't going to make sense at first. You'll get it.

Annabeth's Pov

Yay. I'm engaged. Yay.

I'm a princess from one of the 5 kingdoms. I'm from Kingdom 3. My father, King Frederick, and the ruler of Kingdom 1, Ambassador Thalia Grace (she didn't want a royal title), agreed the best way to avoid war against the southern kingdoms, was a merger. And by that, they took my best friend and I, and decided our future. 


I'm sitting in a meeting with the royal family from Kingdom 1, trying I not cry as I make eye contact with Jason. He's upset too, but we both agreed to avoid war. War against King Ares is not fun.

Thalia is visibly regretting this, but my father shows no remorse. I see remorse in my stepmother, Queen Helen, and my mother, Lady Athena.

"Meeting adjourned." My father says.

Thalia gets up to shake his hand. 

"You're dismissed Annabeth." Father tells me.

"You too Jason." Thalia tells her brother.

We simultaneously stand up, and leave the meeting room. We walk out of the palace, not looking at each other, and arrive in the gardens.

There's a bench by the tulips that we usually sit on, but instead, we go over to the little pond with koi fish, and sit on the bench there.

I take my tiara off and set it on my lap. I don't say anything.

After five minutes of half comfortable half awkward silence, Jason speaks.

"It's not that I don't want to marry you, it's just that... it feels wrong." 

I nod. "Yes I understand. I feel similar. I don't think I should, but it's to protect our people."

Jason nods. "Yes it is."

We were expected to get married as soon as possible. The end of the month. Meaning in two weeks. I'm getting married in two weeks.

"Well at least I get to plan a wedding." I tell him, trying for a smile.

He eases into the subject change. "What should the color scheme be?" He asks me.

"How about gray and blue?"

"Our eye colors?"

"I think they go well together."

"They do don't they."

And we sit there for a while, discussing little details, avoiding the big subject.

And so the next day, my lady in waiting Chiara, who is Italian, helped me get ready, picking out a green, sensible, but still "princessy" gown for me to wear. I stare longingly at my riding dress, wanting to ride my horse Porkpie, but today I'm meeting Jason and our wedding planner Silena for our first very long wedding plan session.

I'm not looking forward to it.

I wear flats, as I'm sure I'll be walking around a lot.

Silena is a dear friend of mine, and she'll be paid grandly after this wedding. 

"Hello your majesties. Shall we get started?" She's holding a clipboard.

Jason and I sit beside each other while Silena sits on the other side of the table.

"This is my assistant Piper." A girl who had similar eyes to Silena's comes in wearing a teal dress, similarly designed to Silena's pink one. "She's my younger sister."

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