Paint What You Feel-Jiper

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Edit: Where was I going with this? It's weird. It's supposed to that Piper doesn't know how to feel, but painting was a semi-escape. I don't think it was conveyed though.

Piper liked painting. It was ok. When she had art class as a 8 year old, she liked it perfectly fine. Even when she started high school, she took art so that she'd get fine arts credit. She preferred not to sing in front of people until after the war.

So after the war, everyone was a little traumatized. Plus Leo has disappeared. Piper especially took it hard. 

So one day, she went to Rachel's cave to ask for a favor. "Hey Rachel? You here?" She called into the cave.

"I'm over her Piper!"  Rachel called from behind a couch.

Piper walked towards the redhead, who was covered in paint. Rachel's hair was thrown up in a messy bun, and she put a paintbrush between her teeth while she looked at her cave wall. "What is it Piper?" She said as she added some blue to a mural of the sky she was painting.

"I was wondering if you could lend me some paint and maybe and canvas or something?" Piper said, fidgeting with a piece of hair.

Rachel tucked the paintbrush behind her ear. "Let's see what I've got." She led Piper to this huge shelf stock full of art supplies. "Oil paint, tempera, watercolor, washable. What do you want?" She asked, reading the labels containers.

"Um, oil paint."

"So what made you want to try painting?" Rachel grabbed a couple colors.

"I guess I wanted to try something new." Piper shrugged and grabbed a thick paintbrush.

Rachel put the paint into a bag and added a canvas. "Well you've come to the right place. Now you'll want a few sized brushes. And a palate." She grabbed a couple brushes. "When you want a new color, wash off the brushes with a little water then pat it dry." She tossed a paint palate into the bag and held it out to Piper. "I think you're good to go."

Piper grabbed the bag. "Thanks Rachel." She turned to leave.

"Hey Piper." Rachel said.

"Yeah?" Piper turned back around.

"I kinda need that brush you're holding." Rachel gestured to the the thick brush in Piper's hand.

Piper handed it over. "Sorry. Forgot." Then she left.

In the counselor room, Piper quietly set the canvas down onto the small table, and sat down. Brush in hand, she dipped it in green then positioned it above the canvas.

She remembered what her 2nd grade art teacher Mrs Rochelle always said. "Paint what you feel children."

"Yeah. Paint what you feel." Piper muttered. But what did she feel?

She set down the brush. There was a knock on the door. "Hey Pipes. You busy?" Said Jason from the main part of the cabin.

"Yeah Jason. Come in." She stood up to greet her boyfriend.

Jason opened the door, and smiled at Piper. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." She sighed. "I can't figure out what to paint."

Jason glances at the table. "Just paint what you-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. I don't know what I'm feeling Jason." She brushed hair out of her face.

"Well you'll figure it out. You always do. You want me to go?"

"I'll see you at dinner?" Piper said in response.

Jason kissed her. "Yeah see you later." He left.

Piper once again sat at the table and picked up the brush. She closed her eyes and tried out one brush stroke. She opened her eyes and saw a streak of green on the once blank canvas.

Dipping it in green once again, she added another stoke of paint. She added more colors and a scene started to form.

After about half an hour later, Piper set down the brush and looked at her painting. It was a painting of the Big House. The large blue farmhouse-like building and the green grass. The strawberry fields in the background. She smiled.

That evening at dinner, she took her painting and gave it Chiron. "I thought you'd like it Chiron." She said.

"It's lovely. I'll hang it up in the Big House." He replied smiling.

Piper sat at the Zeus table with Jason. "Hey Sparky."

"Hey Pipes. How was painting?"

Piper looked around at Camp Half-Blood. She smiled at Jason. "I painted what I felt. I painted home."

Jason squeezed Piper's hand. "Great."

And Piper painted a lot more after that. 

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