Self Promotion, Plus One Shot of Rachel Dare

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Rachel knew she wasn't allowed to. It messed with the power of the prophecy or something. But there hadn't been any need for a prophecy for a while, because there hasn't been any great life threatening prophecies, or big threats. No need for any oracles. Rachel spent her teens and half of her twenties. 

She watched her friends get married, and soon, Percy and Annabeth brought their 1 year old son to camp with little Zoë. And Piper and Jason brought their son Tristan and they're daughter Jasper. Frank and Hazel brought Ruby their oldest, and Emily their youngest. Leo and Calypso has the twins Sammy and Esperanza. Nico and Will adopted Bianca and Maria. Travis and her best friend Katie has three kids, Trevor and Kaden the twins, and Lila. 

 Rachel sighed and watched her friends and their families showing their kids around camp, from a super tall tree next to her cave. "It's sad isn't it?" Said a voice next to her.

Connor Stoll. "I guess. I can't have a family though. I'm the Oracle." She shrugged.

"I guess I just haven't found the person I'm meant to be with yet." Connor said, shrugging as well.

Rachel looked at the 27 year old son of Hermes. "I've watched them start dating, get married, have kids," she gestured to all the families. "I guess it's natural to want it myself." She smoothed her long black skirt and played with a chunk of her red hair.

Connor shrugged again. "I guess. Travis and Katie have been great, letting me eat at their house everyday so I'm not lonely after Miranda and I broke up." Miranda Gardener was also at camp that day, with her boyfriend Sherman Yang. "But I kinda want a family of my own. I don't want to be a burden."

Rachel didn't say anything, she just nodded. "I should probably go. I have things to do today." She climbed down the tree and went back into her cave.

There she flopped down onto her bed. She had artist's block, so all the furniture wasn't covered with paint covered tarps. She sighed into her mass of colorful pillows, and took in the scent of comfort, and the candle she bought yesterday, lemon-rose. Yes to Rachel comfort is the familiar scent of the warm, comfortable cave, with the bed with three-thousand pillows and a sky blue comforter. The walls were covered in paintings she had done, and there was a small decorative box filled with scented candles she was going to light. The cave was her home. But it seemed not as welcoming after that conversation with Connor.

"I get it." Said a voice coming from the front of the cave.

Rachel sat up. "Who is it?"

Apollo walked into view. "Do you want a family?" He asked.

"Well yes. But being the Oracle, that means I can't."

"Yeah I made that up. I didn't want my Oracle running around when they could spout a prophecy out of nowhere." He shrugs. "But you're a good person Rachel. I trust you. You'll make the right choice." Apollo disappeared.

Rachel jumped up, and sprinted out of her cave. Connor was still in the tree, watching the happy families. He had been alternating with looking at the camp, and looking at the entrance of Rachel's cave.

The 27 year old oracle climbed that tree in record time, her red curly hair bouncing in the ponytail. She practically jumped onto the smooth wide branch that was practically made for sitting. Connor almost fell out of the tree in surprise.

"Everything okay RED?"

"Yup." And she kissed him.

His eyes widened, but soon her kissed back, and pulled her closer.

And two years later, they got married. And then Rachel had their daughter. Mary Jasmine Dare.

Rachel, and Connor, both weren't sad anymore.

So how was that? I hope you liked it. Well that's all. Bye guys!

-Sophia, daughter of Aphrodite 

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