Bruise for a Bruise

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A/N- This is based off of the prompt that your characters have a soulmate, and that every injury you get, is mirrored on your soulmate. Bruise for a bruise, cut for a cut. Don't kill me, but Percabeth with have a life threatening injury, and Jiper will take care of them. They aren't demigods, they're mortals.

Piper's POV

I'm panicking. No no no no. This shouldn't be happening. Please no. Not my best friend. Please not Annabeth.

Bobby and Mathew each cling to one of my legs. They're heavy for two eight year olds, but in the midst of the tragedy, they weigh nothing.

The paramedics are asking me everything and anything related to Annabeth's injures. When I was arrived, how long it had been when I found her. Where her soulmate was.

Oh my god. Her soulmate. Percy. They had just realized it, but..... oh my god.

With shakey hands, I scroll through my contacts list, and try to find him.

It's deep down. You don't really want to know what I put his contact name as. Pressing on the call button I pray he'll pick up.

"Please Jason. Please pick up." I murmur. Bobby and Mathew are still crying.

Five rings later, he picks up. "Jason!" I cry, well, sob-cry.

"Piper? Is something wrong? Is everything ok?"

"Jason. Where's Percy. Please tell me you know where he is."

Jason thinks for a minute. "Percy should be at swim practice. Why?"

"Helen's gone, and Annabeth's in an ambulance. Bobby and Mathew were upstairs, and I think Helen beat the crap out of Annabeth. The paramedics keep asking me, where's her soulmate, where's her soulmate, and her soulmate's-"

"Percy." Jason finished. "Ok, well Coach just dismissed us from basketball practice. I'll go check the pool. Do you want me to hang up now?"

He's so dependable. "Please no. I'm going to drive Annabeth's brothers to the hospital."

"Ok Piper." I could hear him running.

I turned my phone away from my ear, and watched the ambulance drive away. "Boys go put a change of clothes into a bag."

The boys sniffled, but slowly walked back into the house. I followed quickly.

I heard Jason stop running. "Oh my god. Percy! Piper I'll see you at the hospital." The line went dead.

I put my phone in my pocket and ran up to Annabeth's room to get her a change of clothes. Then I went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple bottles of water. Stupid Helen forgot to go shopping so there aren't any snacks.

The boys came downstairs, both holding small backpacks. I grabbed my backpack (neglected because the study session had been thrown out the window unexpectedly), and the bag for Annabeth, and quickly got the boys in the car. I didn't have booster seats, but that was the least of my problems.

Jason called me again halfway to the hospital. "Yeah Jason?"

"I'm stopping at KFC, cause it's on the way to the hospital. You want anything?"

"Jason you really don't have to-"

"Yeah I really do Piper. It's the least I can do."

I looked at the boys in the rear-view mirror. "Do you want chicken tenders or something boys?"

I say them nod, and they're tear stained faces.

"I forgot you're taking care of Annabeth's brothers. I'll get those, and you're vegetarian right Piper?"

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