Chapter 44

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The next day, Yuri and Ryoma got up bright and early to get ready for their match against Rikkaidai. It was the finals and that meant that they were close to achieving their dream of winning Nationals.

The first match was Sanda Genichirou against Tezuka. They went on their respective sides of the court and met at the net, shaking hands as the umpire began the match.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu vs Sanda Genichirou, game 1; Sanda to serve."

They began their serves and rallies when Yuri noticed something was off about Tezuka. Her hunch was right as Tezuka then revealed a new move. Many called it Tezuka Phantom. Yuri knew how much energy that move took out of Tezuka, seeing as one of her moves has similar effects.

Their match was a good one, but in the end Sanda had won. "7-5, Sanda Genichirou wins," The umpire announced. Yuri felt uneasy about the next match seeing as it was Inui and Kaido against Yanagi and Akaya.

Yuri watched as the game progressed and noticed how Akaya began to target Inui. Yuri became irritated at this, knowing that she had made her words clear when she faced Akaya. Yuri then noticed how Akaya glanced in her direction.

She then became highly alerted and good that she did because he then returned the ball, but it was aimed at her. Luckily, she had dodged it with her quick reflexes. Yuri gave him a deadly stare, but that was only partial of the reason that Akaya began to shrink back in fear.

Kaido had unlocked Devil Mode and he looked creepy as hell. His hair white and it contrasted with his caramel-colored skin. His eyes changed to a bloodshot red and his grip had noticeably tightened on his racquet. Not only that, but his aura had changed as well, once a determined and calm teenager had changed drastically, his aura changing into anger and frustration.

Yuri was grateful for Kaido's compassion for his kohai, but she didn't want this to go too far. She knew he had understood her rules and what she wanted them to use tennis for, but in this state of mind... he was rendered helpless and had no control of what could happen. All she could do was hope that he'd calm down before getting off the courts.

He then revealed his new move, Gyro Laser, which got them to at least win one game. Sadly, the game had ended soon after with the score being 5-1, being that it was in Rikkaidai's favor.

The next match was Fuji against Niou. During this game, Fuji had revealed his final return, Hoshi Hanabi, which was revealed to have been revealed during his match with Shitenhoji, but at the time it was incomplete. Inui had come back from the hospital, completely covered in bandages.

Yuri knew he would recover, but for how long until he fully recovered was unknown to her. Even if she tried to ask doctors, they'd only give an estimated date or time. Yuri smiled as Fuji then won his match against Niou, the score ending up to be 5-7.

Then the match between the Golden Partners and Rikkaidai's doubles 1 pair. It was them against Jackal Kuwahara and Marui Bunta. While the match went on, they were able to control Synchro and eventually won their match. The Rikkaidai regulars put up a good fight, but this time it was all riding on Ryoma's match. Ryoma was about to go ahead and start his match with Yukimura when the umpire said something completely odd.

"Yukimura Seiichi has requested a match with Yuri Sakuri of Seigaku. This match will not affect the scores of the Finals, but will be played before the final match of Singles one. Players please get ready."

Yuri was definitely surprised, but she didn't mind. Besides, it would help her understand how she would fare against a captain of actual strength. She grabbed her spare racquet from Ryoma's bag and walked onto the court. She took her racquet and held it towards the floor, looking at Yukimura expectantly.

"Rough," Yukimura answered. Yuri smiled and nodded. She then spun the racquet, the racquet landing on smooth.

Yukimura smiled and walked over to his side of the court. To be honest, he heard so much about Yuri and how she had been even better than Sanda. This and a few other rumors about Yuri had piqued his interest, wanting to see this all for himself.

"Don't go easy on me," Yuri smirked. Yukimura smiled and nodded as he got in position.

"Wasn't planning on doing so," Yukimura answered back.

Yuri then got in position to hit her serve. She smiled as the people around her began whispering about what kind of shot she would hit.

'You all will see the true princess of tennis,' Yuri thought to herself as a white light enveloped around her. She then had hit a ball that Kazuto had recently told them about... 


"Yuri~chan, are there any other moves you've been hiding from us?" Momoshiro asked randomly.

Yuri put a finger to her chin as she thought for a moment. She seemed to have an answer as her smile turned into a smirk. She nodded and said, "Yes. If you want more information, your best shot would be my brother." She then walked off, leaving Momoshiro to be his curious self.

"She has more to show?" Momoshiro mumbled under his breath. It seemed like Ryoma, who was passing by him, had heard Momo as he stopped in his tracks to face his senior.

"Who has more to show?" Ryoma asked.

"Yuri.." he answered.

Ryoma stood there silently for a bit before giving his signature smirk, "Of course she does. I'll give you a hint, her brother holds the answers." He then walked off as he continued to sip on his Ponta.

Momoshiro was even more confused now. Not only did Yuri direct him towards Kazuto, but now Ryoma... Momo brought this up to the rest of the team and they agreed to ask Kazuto as a group.


"So you want to know if Yuri has shown all her moves?" Kazuto repeated.

"Yeah! She's so talented, but a few of us are questioning if she showed everything..." Momoshiro reiterated. They heard a sigh come from the other end of the phone call and Kazuto mumble something about Yuri being a traitor. 

"Well, she hasn't revealed everything... she still hasn't revealed 3 things..." 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now