Chapter 9

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A Few Minutes Ago..

(Tezuka's POV...)

I was eating quietly as the other regulars chatted with each other. I glanced at Eiji who was talking with our temporary addition of Arai, since he was given the 'okay' to stop by Fuji. I guess he felt bad because that was a worse punishment than my laps.

We were having a normal conversation when Horio bursted through the door, out of breath and shaking. We immediately stood up, seeing that there was something wrong. He didn't usually bother us during lunch time and would be with the other 2 freshmen. He never left them. Not unless something important or private was going to be said to one of us.

"What's wrong," I asked bluntly.

Horio looked somewhat relieved that we were in front of him. He took a deep breath before explaining, "Yuri ran out of our classroom crying and Ryoma went after her, but I don't know where they went. The only thing I know is that she took a right from our classroom door."

"That's where the dance studios are. We should go see what's wrong," Fuji commented. I nodded in agreement and ordered for everyone to head towards the dance rooms. Once they get there start checking all the rooms.

When we got there, I started my search by checking dance studio 4-C and found Yuri there, but she was crying in Echizen's arms. I called for the rest of the team and they ran to the door, Eiji ran in first and immediately glomped onto Sakuri~san.

"G-get off me Eiji!" She wheezed. I guess Eiji got the hint cause he released her instantly and was silent as he sat in front of her. The rest of us entered and once everyone was inside, I made sure to shut the door tightly.

"What happened?" Momoshiro asked. Ryoma hugged her and he decided to tell the story...

After Explaining...

We were shocked at the revelation that Tomoka did this. When Tomoka found out about Ryoma's girlfriend, I noticed she was acting strangely. Not to mention, I saw how she tried to make Yuri fall earlier. I thought she would get over it and I decided that it wasn't needed to be brought up to Coach, but slapping her... This has gone too far.

Plus, I knew Ryuzaki had some sort of affection or attraction to Echizen; but did she make Tomoka do this? I pulled Horio to the side, as everyone was still listening to the rest of the explanation.

"Y-Yes buchou?" He asked timidly.

"What did Tomoka say? Did Coach Ryuzaki's granddaughter have something to do with Tomoka slapping Sakuri?" I asked firmly.

"Tomoka said something about Yuri stealing Sakuno's man and how the slap was her consequence for doing so. I don't know what else she said because Katō was talking with me at the time. As for Sakuno, she had run out of the classroom as soon as class ended, and that's when Tomoka noticed how Sakuno looked distraught. Seeing her friend in that state, Tomoka then decided to tell Yuri off and the slap was part of her punishment. Before Tomoka had slapped Yuri, it looked like Yuri was going to wake Ryoma up so they could go up to you and the rest of the regulars for lunch since he had fallen asleep on her shoulder during class," Horio explained. I nodded stiffly, bringing him back to the group.

"D-Do you have the mark still?" Fuji asked in a gentle tone. Yuri nodded and she slowly turned her face, showing the red handprint that was still evident on her cheek. It was a little swollen, but I also noticed that it was extremely red. Tomoka must have hit her hard for it to become that dark...

I didn't feel happy about this at all so I told the group I was going to do something and left. If anything, I won't let Tomoka get away with this. It's not right to hit someone for a decision that was made before knowing about the others that existed in the world who were like themselves. This time it was that Yuri began dating Ryoma before she knew of the crushes others had for Echizen...

Author's POV...

Yuri showed them her cheek, and they gasped. When she turned back to see their reactions, she saw anger and betrayal in some of their eyes, others held worry and concern. Tezuka said something about having to do something and left. Ryoma hugged her and she accepted the comforting gesture, trying not to let more tears fall.

The others watched as Ryoma tried to comfort Yuri, but it seemed as if his efforts were doing little to nothing. What he said next though surprised them...

"Yuri, do you want to dance with me?"

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Where stories live. Discover now