Chapter 15

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The boys were definitely confused at Yuri's order, but did as told and followed her. They ended up back in the dance studio and found Yuri talking with Asuna. When she noticed they were there, Yuri's smile turned into a smirk.

"Okay. So, Ryoma and I made a bet when we played. It was that if I lost, I would have to teach you guys. If I won, I would get a date from Ryoma. It was a tie and we decided we'd do both ends of the bet. So, right now I'll be teaching you all how to dance," Yuri explained.

As expected, many of them were excited, but 2 of them didn't seem fond of the idea. "Yuri, I want to know if we are able to drop out," Kaido asked politely. Yuri smiled and shook her head.

"All of you will learn, but I didn't say you'd all learn the same genre or style. Due to the fact that I know Tezuka~buchou and Kaido~sempai don't seem like the upbeat or hip-hop style of dancing, I'll be teaching you guys the waltz, with the help of Asuna~chan here. The other boys will learn a routine and this is just for fun. You don't need to perform it or anything like that. I think," Yuri sheepishly grinned. To say that the boys were surprised was an understatement.

They thought over the idea and took this as a fun opportunity to work together and bond, so they agreed. Yuri smiled as she taught the dance to Ryoma, and he was to teach it to the others. Yuri and Asuna taught Kaido and Tezuka how to do the waltz.

Asuna was Tezuka's partner while Yuri was Kaido's. Yuri thought that they weren't the worst at dancing, but she thought that this was probably the best suited dance for them.

Hours passed, and it was around 5 PM when she thought they at least got the choreography down. Tezuka and Kaido had gotten it a while ago, but they were on break and Tezuka was still practicing the motions in his head, as she saw his eyes moving as if it was his feet on the dance floor in front of him. Inui couldn't dance, it was like he had 2 left feet when it came to doing the dance. Yuri decided not to put him into any dance, as she thought it wouldn't work well. The only boys left were Fuji, Oishi, Taka, Eiji, and Momo.

Yuri ordered the boys off their break and back onto the dance floor. She counted off before they started the dance once more...

Red Shirt: Fuji
White Shirt: Eiji
Blue & Red Plaid Jacket: Oishi
White Pants: Taka
Pajama-ish pants: Momoshiro

Yuri clapped at their synchronization and how well they did. "You guys did great! It's a little late, we should be going home. I guess we can see each other for practice tomorrow morning. Night guys!" Yuri sighed.

She and Ryoma left, since Ryoma had packed their things after watching the team dance. They went home, eating a small dinner before going to their room.

Ryoma seemed off since he was staring at Yuri's ass every so often. When they got to their room, Ryoma pulled her to the bed, but she pushed him into the bathroom, ordering him to shower before he tried to make out with her. He agrees reluctantly, but after they both showered, they went to bed with Ryoma holding Yuri in his arms... 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢'𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰 [Ryoma X OC]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ